Hidden Gender Truth - Part 3 - Kidge.

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"Keith" Pidge yelled as she reached her arm out as a samurai hit the back of her neck with his katana handle. 

"Pidge" Keith roared as he slashed down the samurais he was fighting and pushing his enemies out the way as he ran towards pidge who was being passed to a samurai already on a horse ready to ride off. 

"give her back" Keith growled as he reached towards her before being knocked out from behind, the last thing he saw was pidge being taken away, her body limp.

Pidge slowly opened her eyes and sat forward in a panic as she remembers the fight. She didnt understand why but a bunch of samurais started attacking them on the cliff path. She remembers them being outnumbered and then being knocked out. She looked around the empty cell frowning when Keith wasn't around but then having hope he got away safely. She slowly stood up and limped to the cell door. She looked to the halls seeing no guards or anyone else nearby. 

A small wince escape her as she put extra weight on her injured leg. She was caught by a  samurais blade on her thigh leaving a deep slash in her left thigh. She unwrapped her chest bandages and wrapped her leg. She notice her own katana that Keith gave her was missing. She filled with the bottom of her short green kimono and pulled out a small bit of metal she hid long ago and started working on the cell lock. 

Once it was unlocked she snuck out and limped along the halls, looking for a way out and more importantly where she was. She reached some stairs and still found no guards making her worry but she kept going and snuck up the stairs before freezing at finding herself inside a royal building. 

"why would they be after us, Keith just a demon slayer and well everyone thinks I'm dead" Pidge muttered as she limped over to the window looking outside. 

Pidge tensed as she heard voices coming her way and quickly limped around the corner letting whoever pass. She listened as the two maids talked before her eyes widen in shock. She listened as they talked about a certain demon slayer being tied up in the throne room while the royals talking to him. Pidge knew what she had to do, she couldn't escape on her own, after all Keith would always come back to save her even if it meant his own death. She hopped out the widow and headed towards the other end of the house. She snuck up behind a guard knocking him out before pushing under the small gap under the house. She dressed up and made a small fire before using the panic to sneak past everyone and to the place she needed. 

"A fire has broke out, please evacuate" Pidge called as she budged into the room and looked to the royals. 

"very well, but keep an eye on him and knock him out if you must take him outside. He must not die" Krollia, the lady of the land replied as she stood. 

"dont try and move him awake, he dangerous" Zarkon the lord of the land warned.

"A fire, we must hurry out" Allura the daughter whispered yelled with fear.

"i bet its our enemies trying to attack" Lotor the son hissed and the four walked out leaving Keith and pidge alone. 

"YOU" Pidge growled as she stormed over to Keith.

"where is Pidge you assholes" Keith growled as leaned towards her trying to break free of his ropes.

"she right here" Pidge smirked as she knee in front of Keith lifting the helmet up showing her face.

"Pidge" Keith whispered in shock.

"we must hurry, i dont know how long until they notice the fire was a distraction" Pidge mumbled and sliced Keith ropes. 

"Pidge" Keith smiled softly and pulled her into a tight hug, thankful she was alive and safe. 

"Keith" Pidge giggled and hugged him back before pushing him away knowing they dont have time.

"lets go" Keith smirked and took pidge hand before running towards the door but stopped as pidge pulled him back.

"out the window, its where i hid our katana's" Pidge replied and they ran over to the window, Keith jumped down first before pidge jumped letting Keith catch her. 

"thank you" Keith smiled gently as he placed his Katana on his kimono. 

"i always come save you" Pidge grinned back as she pulled of the samurais armour and tied her own katana on to her kimono. 

"i know" Keith muttered and took her hand before running towards the trees but slowing down when he notice pidge running was a little off. 

"Pidge" Keith frowned as he came to a stop near the bottom of the hill woods. 

"yes" Pidge asked. 

"are you hurt" Keith asked with worry and froze as he notice bandages on pidge thigh. He cursed at him not seeing them as soon as she turned the armour of before. 

"just a slash I'll live unless we get caught again, we need to go" Pidge smiled and started running, dragging Keith with her. 

The two escaped and made camp by a river. Pidge unwrapped her bandage and washed her wound in the river along with her bandage before Keith took her bandages and wrapped her leg for her. They watched the fire burn while pidge leaned on Keith, his arm wrapped around her in fear of her being taken from him again. 

"Keith" Pidge whispered as she watched the fire.

"yes" Keith hummed as he glanced to her. 

"why did they come after us, i dont understand" Pidge frowned and Keith pulled her closer. 

"pidge, you know we said no more secrets" Keith sighed and Pidge turned to him with a nod.

"you know i ran away from my family after my brother tried to kill me after i found out my father was not the lord by a kind demon hunter who protected others" Keith replied.

"yeah, you became a demon slayer hoping to be close with him even though you never met him" Pidge mumbled and Keith nodded.

"well that was my mother and my half siblings along with my step father" Keith frowned and Pidge mouth fell open slightly.

"wow" Pidge muttered and Keith chuckled.

"yeah, it seemed they wanted me back. They needed me" Keith mumbled.

"needed you, why" Pidge asked with worry.

"to marry another lord daughter, if i do then my family lands will grow and they be given new things from the other lands" Keith explained and pidge nodded.

"so they kidnapped you to ask you to marry a stranger from another lord lands just so they can get stuff from it. How nice" Pidge grumbled and Keith laughed. 

"tell me about it but i wasn't going to marry some stuck up stranger, no matter what they tried to force me with" Keith grinned and Pidge smiled.

"I'm glad, i wouldn't want our fun travelling partner ship to end so soon" Pidge smiled sweetly and laid her head on Keith chest.

"Me neither and i promise pidge, i wont ever leave your side" Keith smiled softly as he glanced to her noticing.

"I'll always stand beside you" Pidge whispered with a warm smile before slowly drifting off on Keith. 

"Pidge" Keith whispered.

"Katie" Pidge barley whispered back half asleep.

"i love you Katie" Keith whispered with a warm smile and looked to see her fast asleep. 


Did you want a part 4 or not.

If you do please comment and i do part 4 in my new oneshot book since i reached the end of this one. 

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