Him - Shidge.

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"pidge" Lance mumbled in surprise as he noticed the green paladin standing outside the doorway to the pool wearing a hoodie but nervously standing.

"shh Lance he might heart" Pidge hissed and lance looked round the doorway to the ceiling pool and seeing shiro just chilling inside the pool.

"why are you hiding from shiro" Lance asked with an eyebrow in the air. 

"i-I'm not hiding, i just dont want him to know I'm hiding here" Pidge mumbled back.

"i thought you said your not hiding" Lance smirked but soon groaned as pidge elbowed him.

"oh shut it" Pidge pouted and crossed her arms.

"why dont you just walk over and jump in the pool, its easy now allura told us we had to stand in a certain spot to be hovered up" Lance smiled and turned back to shiro who seemed not to notice them.

"I'm not the best swimmer and well i dont want to be seen in my swimsuit its embarrassing, i just wait until he done and come back" Pidge sighed.

"pidgin, shiro the only guy on the team that wont laugh at your horrible swimming skills, yes you can float and do the back stroke but everything else looks like a fish on land" Lance grinned. 

"i just wait" Pidge muttered and pulled on the hoddies she stole from shiro.

"wait is that shiro missing hoodie" Lance asked shocked.

"maybe" Pidge whispered with rosy cheeks and it hit lance.

"you like him, dont you" Lance asked with a smirk.

"maybe" Pidge blushed even more.

"wow, who knew you had a crush on shiro .. i always thought you would fall in love with a robot" Lance grinned and ruffle his hair a little.

"you better not tell anyone, not even matt knows i like shiro" Pidge grumbled and glared at lance.

"wait how long have you been crushing on shiro if matt didnt know" Lance asked with worry.

"before he left for the mission, since matt forgot his phone and i went to the garrison to drop it off and bumped into shiro by mistake. I wished that day never ended but it did and now I'm stuck crushing on him" Pidge smiled softly before looking to the floor.

"so that why you smile more around him, i thought you were just more use to shiro knowing your old girly self and got use to being cool around him but you were just happy your crush was around. Oh and that why your also not wanting to jump in the pool with him" Lance sighed and glanced to his short friend.

"well yeah, i just got a plain green body swimsuit that makes me look silly compare to allura two piece suit that makes her body even more stunning then normal" Pidge frowned and stuck her hands in the hoodie pocket.

"well allura is gorgeous and she looks so charming in her swim suit like oh my god just thinking about it makes me" Lance started to say with a huge grin but stopped when he noticed pidge head drop down in shame.

"i know how good looking allura is, please dont start getting a boner over her while I'm depressed here" Pidge groaned and kicked lance leg slightly.

"your cute pidgin, while allura is gorgeous your pretty and cute so your got your own charms. Plus your body might not be like allura but your got shape and curves .. oh and dont forget you have bumps in the right places too. True they not as big as allura but they still got a good size that any male would notice" Lance smiled and ruffled pidge hair. 

"yeah i know my body shows I'm a girl but this swimsuit doesn't show it and its embarrassing. I just wait until shiro done" Pidge frowned and started walking to the lift. 

"SHIRO" Lance yelled as loudly as he could making pidge tense and slowly turn to look at lance with horror.

"have fun" Lance grinned and wink at his short friend before running into the lift pressing the button leaving pidge alone with shiro who came running towards them.

"What happened, is anyone hurt" Shiro asked in a panic but slowed down as he notice pidge standing in shock.

"Pidge" Shiro asked with worry and walked over to her.

"oh um everything fine, lance was just being an idiot so i kicked him" Pidge nervously smiled.

"he really needs to learn to stop teasing you all the time" Shiro smiled slightly and pidge giggled.

"yeah, he an idiot" Pidge grinned and shiro chuckled.

"well did you come here for a swim, want to jump in together" Shiro asked with a kind smile.

"oh um, well i got off at the wrong floor but after kicking lance he pushed me onto this floor" Pidge lied. 

"oh .. um pidge is that my hoodie" Shiro asked surprised as he looked her over before blushing slightly.

"oh i um found it for you" Pidge lied.

"keep it you look adorable in it .. well i mean you look good i mean  your always beautiful um just ur dont listen to me" Shiro blushed and mumbled while rubbing the back of his neck while pidge just blushed. 

"well your not so bad looking yourself after just coming out of the pool, i mean your handsome, well hot while dripping in water ur um i mean .. see you later" Pidge muttered with a bright red face and shiro blushed more while watching her keep pressing the lift button. 

"i hear the planet we landed on has some robotic limbs, do you want to maybe go check them out with me later .. if you want too that is" Shiro asked with a gentle smile and pidge turned to him a little stunned.

"yeah, that sounds fun" Pidge smiled sweetly.

"then why dont we get changed and head out together" Shiro smiled and walked closer to pidge.

"sure, its a date" Pidge grinned and the lift came while they both stood frozen.

"date" Shiro whispered.

"ah i mean not like a date date but a date with friends" Pidge panicked but frowned at the word friends.  

"lets make it a date, i wont mind spending the evening with Katie Holt once more" Shiro smiled softly and the two walked into the lift. 

"its been a long time since you called me my name" Pidge smiled softly.

"well i always liked Katie better but i didnt want the others to find out your real name and start calling you the one thing i could secretly" Shiro mumbled.

"call me Katie, i like it" Pidge smirked and the two walked out as they landed to their rooms floor. 

"Then see you soon Katie" Shiro smiled warmly and walked down another hall.

"I'm looking forward to it shiro" Pidge smiled brightly and skipped down the hall before freezing as she saw a smirking lance in his doorway since his room was next door to her.

"i wanted you to get in the pool with him but i didnt expect you to catch a date with him" Lance grinned and Pidge blushed.

"well maybe I'm just as smooth as the tailor" Pidge joked back and walked to her room door.

"you freaked out and called him handsome ... didnt you" Lance smirked and Pidge pouted.

"maybe but he did call me beautiful" Pidge smiled brightly and entered her room leaving a stunned lance. 

"maybe they both the new tailors of this castle" Lance joked before entering his room. 

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