Soul Mate - James x Pidge.

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In the world i live in we have soulmates. But instead of a red string of fate or their names written on our wrists. We have images, a tattoo mark from birth. Even if our soulmate not born yet we still be born with the mark of our souls. After the age of twelve you will be given a dream hint of your soulmate. A dream with their face, their voice but never their name. Its the only clue you are given to find your soulmate apart from having matched marks. 

I'm eighteen now and well ....

"you haven't had a clue dream of your soulmate yet" Keith asked shocked. 

"nope" Pidge sighed as she looked up from her halo.

"are you sure, maybe it was mixed in with your wet dreams of something as a teen" Lance mumbled and everyone turned to him like an idiot. 

"Lance, there a different from wet dreams and soulmate dreams ... i hope you know that" Hunk sighed and patted Lance arm. 

"well maybe your just a late dreamer, dont forget we have been paladins of voltron and being fighting a huge space war. Maybe becuase of all the new stress or new style of life it just didnt happen yet" Shiro smiled gently and ruffle pidge hair as he sat on her left and Keith sat on her right. Lance and Hunk sat on the sofa opposite. 

"maybe" Pidge muttered.

"well its not that important to find your soulmate, i mean yes everyone else around you have found their soulmate already but you know ... i think i must just stop talking" Lance sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"good idea buddy, anyway pidge you didnt care about finding your soulmate during our garrison days why do you care now" Hunk asked with a friendly smiled.

"well you know, being on the Atlas with many soulmates couples it just reminded me i haven't had my dream yet. I mean i still want to find my soulmate and have my happy ending with him but how will i find him if I'm stuck fighting in space without any hints on who he is. I mean i have my mark but its not in a place where i can walk around showing it hoping he see" Pidge sighed and turned her halo off. 

"where is your soulmark, like shiro is on his shoulder, lance is on his right hand, mine on my left wrist and well hunk on his neck .. but i dont think i have ever seen yours" Keith replied and everyone looked to pidge who stood up.

"no laughing" Pidge mumbled and pulled her shorts down slowly to show her left hip with her soulmark.

"wow, i never really seen a soulmark on a hip before. Yeah your right its not like you could just show it around hoping your soulmate would see. I mean i found Adam easy becuase he could see my soulmark when i was in my training clothes" Shiro mumbled and pidge sat down again.

"why was my sister showing her hip" Matt asked with worry as he walked into the room with James behind him.

"soulmark, pidge was telling us how she cant just show hers around without it being awkward" Hunk explained and matt chuckled.

"yeah i remember when you tried to show of your soulmark at school, mum was so mad at you for being unlady like and dad couldn't stop laughing that night" Matt grinned and pidge rolled her eyes.

"I'm guessing you haven't found your soulmate either" James asked as he sat down in a single arm chair while matt sat next to lance.

"nope sadly" Pidge pouted.

"that right, James hasn't found his either but then he doesn't like people so he keeps pushing them away ... even the hot ones" Matt smirked and James rolled his eyes. 

"i just dont want to hook up with strangers, what so wrong about that" James sighed. 

"see pidge, your not the only loner on the atlas without a soulmate" Lance grinned and pidge threw a pillow at him.

"nice going idiot, that gonna cheer her up" Keith sighed and crossed his arms.

"look pidge, once we defeat haggar then we be famous. I'm sure you soulmate would have had his soulmate dream and would come straight to the garrison once we land. He find you instead so just wait a little long" Shiro smiled kindly and Pidge just nodded. 

"wait so every other paladin has a soulmate already" James asked amazed.

"yep, mine is the beautiful Plaxum" Lance grinned proudly.

"turns our mine was shay all along" Hunk smiled sweetly.

"and i had Adam already" Shiro smiled kindly.

"i have matt" Keith replied.

"and well i have Keith" Matt smiled brightly.

"i have myself" Pidge frowned and the others chuckled.

"your not along pidge" James smiled and Pidge gave a small smile. 

"i must say its wired, i feel like I've seen pidge soulmark before she showed us today" Keith mumbled as he looked to matt.

"i know how you feel, like I'm glad to finally see what type of soulmark pidge had but i feel like I've seen it before" Lance muttered and rubbed his neck.

"i had the same feeling" Hunk replied shocked.

"then you might have already met my soulmate, what are they like, how do they look, what there name, you think they like me, tell me" Pidge yelled and shook Keith like a mad man.

"calm down pidge" Shiro frowned and pulled pidge of a shaken up Keith. 

"hey sis, show me your soulmark again" Matt grinned and his sister walked over showing her mark. 

"no fucking way" James yelled stunned and Matt smirked.

"oh, we all have seen pidge soulmark before during showers in our garrison days" Matt smirked and walked over to James pulling him up and pulling his trousers down slight.

"nice pants" Pidge smirked and James blushed as he forgot he was wearing voltron green lion underwear.

"its best not to ask" James sighed and Pidge giggled. 

"well maybe i can, over a drink or something later" Pidge smiled softly shocking James.

"i like that, lets meet by the green lion at 6" James grinned. 

"its date .. well i got smartass stuff to do with the lions .. see you later Hotie" Pidge smirked and winked to James before leaving the room leaving the others stunned. 

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