New Altean - Plance.

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"stay back" a white hair altean known as lance yelled as he held a sword to the strangers before him and his lover. Lance had beautiful ocean blue eyes and blue altean markings.

"we need to run" a hazel hair altean known as pidge whispered in fear as she stood behind lance gripping his sleeve with her tiny hand while holding a green blade in her other. Pidge had pretty hazel eyes, cute freckles and light green altean markings. 

But neither was true alteans, they were made by zarkon and haggar. Both made in tubes to be future weapons for the galra but neither agree with killing, neither agree with the galra way. But zarkon didnt agree with his experiment alteans way of thinking or agree to them having feelings. They became failed experiment in his eyes and he ordered them to be killed. Both escape and was on the run, being hunted by not just the galra but rebels too since they killed so many already. 

"how are you alive, the Alteans was wiped out" the black paladin of voltron known as shiro asked with a kind voice and lowered his Bayard trying to not scare the two away.

"stay back or i will slash you down where you stand" Lance warned and glanced to pidge making sure she was ok. 

"we just want to be free" Pidge frowned and looked to shiro.

"free .. were you not working under zarkon willingly" the red paladin of voltron known as Keith asked shocked.

"its complicated" Pidge mumbled and glanced to lance seeing he was still in panic.

"well we willing to talk, we just want to know why alteans would be working with zarkon" The yellow paladin known as hunk replied with a friendly smile and the two hand made alteans looked to each other.

"how can we trust you not to harm us, we both sinned very much over the years" Lance asked with worry.

"i will try my best to keep you both safe from any harm, please we just want to talk" Shiro smiled gently and the other two put their Bayard's down.

"we willing to talk but not here, our enemies will be here soon to try and kill us" Pidge replied with fear and stepped out from behind lance. 

"please follow us to the castle of lions, it will be safe and we can fly away from this planet just to get extra space away from whoever is tracking you" Keith smiled slightly and pidge nodded before putting her hand on lance that held the sword.

"i trust them, i feel no danger from them not true danger .. they could help free us" Pidge whispered with a soft smile and lance turned to her.

"fine but if they try anything we leaving, i wont risk losing you not after we made it this far" Lance whispered back and lowered his sword.

"and you wont but i wont risk losing you either but we need to gain help" Pidge smiled and lance held her hand.

"please take us to your castle" Lance asked the paladins.

"lets hurry" Hunk smiled and the paladins lead them to the castle and inside to the main control room.



"whoa, lance look at this place its so magical" Pidge smiled brightly and looked over the controls with pure excitement.

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