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The losers enter the clubhouse and Eddie sees Richie's shirt wrapped around Stan's leg. "What happened?," Eddie asks. "Stan got stuck in a tree while we were playing hide and seek," Mike answers.

"Wow, good job, fuck nut," Eddie jokes. Stan glares at Eddie, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, I know I'm an idiot." "Shut up, Stan," Richie playfully hits Stan's arm.

"Let's play truth or dare," Beverly suggests. The losers sit down on the floor. "Bill," Beverly looks at Bill, "Truth or dare?" "T-T-Truth," Bill answers.

"Out of all of us in here, who would you date?"

"Probably y-you, Bev... Eddie, t-truth or dare?"

Eddie looks around everyone before saying "Dare." "Wow, Eds, you chose dare? What's gotten into you?," Richie jokes, and everyone laughs.

"I d-d-dare you to k-kiss anyone in here."

Everyone looks at Eddie.


"You have to do it, Eddie," Beverly smirks.

I got it! I'll choose Stan and see what Richie does.

"Okay...," Eddie looks at Stan. "Oh, no," Stan whispers.


Richie looks at Eddie, then Stan, then back at Eddie. Eddie looked at Richie. I can't tell if he's upset or not, Eddie thought.

Stan crawls over to Eddie and pecks his lips quickly before going back to his spot. Eddie was blushing, but he wondered how it would've been if he kissed Richie.

Stan puts his hand over Richie's ear and whispers, "I'm sorry, Richie. I didn't think he'd choose me." "It's okay," Richie whispers back. They both look up and see Eddie looking at them.

"Richie, truth or dare?"

Richie looks at Stan, then Eddie. "Um, truth, I guess. Wait, fuck-"

"Do you like anyone in this room?," Eddie asks.

"I wouldn't be in this room if i didn't," Richie answers.

"I meant do you like, like anyone in this room?"

"Nope," Richie shakes his head, "Why, wanna go on a date, Eds?" Richie winks at Eddie. Eddie is blushing but says, "Shut up, dumbass." Richie stands up. "I have to piss. Stan, didn't you have to piss, too? Come with me."

"I-Okay," Stan stands up and follows Richie out of the clubhouse.

the kissing bridge [reddie+stenbrough]Where stories live. Discover now