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"Stan, y-you have to t-t-talk to Eddie.,"

Bill says as he and Stan enter the clubhouse. "I can't, Richie said I can't tell him anything," Stan tells Bill. "W-We have to f-find out of Eddie l-likes him back a-at least."

"Well, you can do it. I want to keep my promise with Richie. If I had a secret like that, especially here in Derry, I wouldn't want anyone to know."

"I-I'm sorry, Stan. Y-You're right."

Stan and Bill lay down on the hammock. "Th-They would be k-kind of funny if they d-d-dated, Richie and Eddie," Bill said, breaking the silence. "Yeah, they already act like an old, married couple when they talk to each other." Stan and Bill laughed. "W-Why do you think Eddie ch-ch-chose to kiss you?"

"I have no clue," Stan said, "Maybe to make him jealous, I suppose."


The next morning, Eddie woke up and felt Richie's arms around him.

He tried to turn over without waking Richie, but Richie moved his arms off of Eddie. "Richie?" Eddie whispered. Richie was snoring, and didn't seem like he was going to wake up any time soon, so Eddie got out of bed.

He noticed a pocket knife on Richie's night stand. He snuck it in his fanny pack. He turned to leave Richie's room.

"Where are you going, Eds?" Richie yawned. "I have to go take my medicine," Eddie answered, "I 'll be back later." "Okay," Richie mumbled and went back to sleep.


Eddie stopped at the kissing bridge. He sat down in front of it and pulled Richie's knife out of his fanny pack. He struggles to get it open.

He tries to carve a heart, but it doesn't turn out as round as it he wanted it to be.

"Here, let me help you," Mike sits down next to Eddie, "Who is this for?" Eddie panics and says, "Um, just a friend of mine." He hands Mike the knife and he carves the other half
of the heart.

"I'm on my way to the clubhouse, wanna join me?," he asks. "No, thank you," Eddie answers, "I told Richie I'd go back to his house after I took my medicine."

Mike hands Eddie the knife. "Okay,"  Mike stands up, gets on his bike, and leaves. Eddie carves the letter 'R' inside of the heart.

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