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Eddie knew something was off.

Usually Richie can eat up to three slices of pizza, but today he had one and a half, and had given Eddie the other half because he was full.

While they watched the movie, Richie didn't make any stupid comments about the movie and actually paid more attention to it.

Of course, he would make the occasional joke, but it didn't feel like Richie was trying that hard.

However, Eddie didn't want to bring it up. He didn't want to ruin the mood for the rest of the night. He would just ask him tomorrow, if they could get some alone time.

A few hours later, the boys turn the lights off and get ready to go to bed. Richie takes his glasses off and sets them on his nightstand. Richie and Eddie lay down on Richie's bed as Bill and Stan lay down on the floor next to the bed.

Richie turns to his side and looks at Eddie. Eddie, who was laying on his back, turns his head to look at Richie.

Richie couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if he had to leave Derry. Would he still be able to see his friends often? Would they forget about him and be friends with someone else? Would Eddie stop wanting to be with him?

Richie moves as close to Eddie as possible. He rests his head on Eddie's chest and his hand on Eddie's stomach. "I love you, Eddie.," Richie whispers. "I love you too.," Eddie whispers back.

Richie looks up at Eddie, pecking his face a few times before kissing him. Eddie turns to his side to face Richie, and Richie wraps his arms around Eddie's waist. Eddie pecks Richie's forehead and wraps his arms around Richie. Richie nuzzles his face in Eddie's collar bone.

Eddie notices that Richie was being way more affectionate than usual. It was cute and Eddie didn't mind it- he was just a little confused about it.

Stan and Bill has both been laying on their backs, staring up at the ceiling. Stan's eyes move over to Bill. Stan moves his hand closer to Bill's hand, their pinky fingers touching.

Bill feels Stan's hand and grabs it. He looks over at Stan, who had already been looking at him. He softly smiles at Bill, the dark room hiding Stan's blushing face. Bill smiles back at Stan, moving closer to him.


hi thank u guys for 16k reads <333

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