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Stan had asked Wentworth if he could tell him in another room. They both stand up and leave, and Richie moves his chin to Eddie's shoulder.

"Are you okay, Eds?," Richie asks, pecking Eddie's cheek. "Yeah.," Eddie answers, "I just got a little nervous about your dad knowing about us."

"Eddie, you know my dad doesn't care."

"Yeah, I know."

Richie lets go of Eddie's hands and wraps his arms around Eddie's waist. He lightly rubs Eddie's stomach with his thumb, making Eddie blush.

"G-Guys?," Bill turns and looks at them.

"What is it, Bill?," Eddie looks at him.

"I th-think I messed up w-with S-St-Stan."


"Stanley, what the hell?," Wentworth says, his jaw dropping.

Stan had told him every little detail, including his crush on Bill. He wanted to leave it out, but it was the whole reason Bowers had attacked him.

"You need to tell the police about that.," Wentworth tells Stan.

"I can't.," Stan sighs.

"Why not?"

"First of all, Bowers' dad is a cop and he won't believe me because Henry's his son. Second, I don't want my dad to find out."

Stan's dad was a Rabbi and he was kind of strict about their religion, so Stan didn't know how his dad would feel about him liking Bill.

"Don't worry, I'll help you out.," Wentworth tells Stan, "He doesn't need to do that to anyone else. I'll talk to Oscar."


"Talk to him, Bill!," Richie says.

Bill sighs, "I c-can't! He d-d-doesn't want to-"

"You won't know unless you ask!"

"B-But we t-ta-talked about it-"

"Just fucking do it, pussy."

"Richie, if he doesn't want to say anything, don't make him.," Eddie says, pressing his cheek against Richie's.

"Whatever, Eds.," Richie nuzzles his face in Eddie's neck.

Stan walks back into Richie's bedroom and sits down next to Bill.

"Wh-What did he say?," Bill asks Stan.

Eddie slowly takes Richie's glasses off of his face and puts them on.

"He wants to go to the police about Henry.," Stan answers Bill.

Richie tries to grab his glasses off of Eddie's face and Eddie pulls away, giggling.

"A-Are you going t-t-to?," Bill raises an eyebrow at Stan.

"Eddie, give me my glasses! I can't fucking see!," Richie says to Eddie as he begins tickling him.

"I don't know.," Stan shrugs, "I would, but I'm scared to."

"Rich-Richie, stop it!," Eddie says, laughing hysterically.

"St-Stan, you've d-done so many th-things that scare you.," Bill softly smiles at Stan, "Y-You're one of the b-br-bravest people I kn-know."

"Eds, you look like a nerd! Give me my glasses!," Richie jokes.

"Thanks, Bill.," Stan smiles back at Bill.

"How do you know? You can't see!," Eddie laughs.

Stan and Bill look into each other's eyes, and Bill hesitates before leaning in.

Eddie takes Richie's glasses off of himself and puts them on Richie when he notices Stan and Bill.

Stan puts his hand on Bill's face and kisses him.


literally every time i open this app this story has like 1k more reads idk how you guys do it but thank you so much for 13k!! <3

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