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"Stan and Bill left to go get stuff for the sleepover," Richie says to Beverly as he climbs down into the clubhouse, followed by Eddie.

"Okay," Beverly says. Richie and Eddie lay down on the hammock. Eddie grabs Richie's hand. Richie looks at Eddie.

"So, you don't like Bill back?," Eddie asks Beverly. "Actually, Bill didn't have a crush on me in the first place.," Beverly answers, looking at Richie and Eddie.


Bill and Stan had gotten sleeping bags and snacks for the sleepover and were on their way back to the clubhouse.

It was cold and started to get windy. There were dark clouds in the sky. "I-It looks like it's a-a-about to rain.," Bill says. "Yeah," Stan says, "We should hurry back."

They started riding their bikes faster. Stan passes Bill. Suddenly, they heard thunder.


Richie, Eddie, and Beverly were laying in the hammock. Ben and Mike has just got to the clubhouse and we're sitting on the floor.

Stan and Bill enter the clubhouse, soaking wet. "S-Sorry we're l-l-late," Bill says, "It's r-raining outside."

Stan pulls out two sweaters he had packed and hands one to Bill. "Here, you can wear this.," Stan tells him as he puts the other one on. "Th-Thanks.," Bill smiles as he puts Stan's sweater on.

"Do you have any more? I'm freezing.," Richie asks. "No, sorry. I only brought two for me and Bill. I have some sleeping bags you can use, though.," Stan answers.

Bill looked at Beverly and smiled. He thought it was cute that Stan only brought an extra sweater for him. He was still kind of cold because he was wet, of course, but he still thought that was sweet of Stan.

Richie unzipped one of the sleeping bags and used it as a blanket for him and Eddie. Beverly moved to sit between Bill and Ben.

The weather continued to get worse. Bill didn't like thunderstorms because they remind him of what happened to his little brother, Georgie. He moved closer to Stan. "S-Stan, I'm kind of s-s-scared.," Bill whispers.

Stan grabs Bill's hand and their fingers intertwine. "It'll be okay. I'm here.," Stan softly smiles at Bill. He felt a little nervous, but he didn't care. Beverly notices they were holding hands and elbows Bill. Bill look at her, and they smile at each other.

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