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Eddie walks out of the arcade when no one is looking and runs to a nearby park. He sits down on a bench. Eddie was out of breath from running, and he felt like crying.

Just last night and this morning, Richie was so upset over something. But as soon as they got to the arcade, he was fine. He was too busy playing 'Street Fighter' with Connor to think about anything else. And it was obvious that Connor liked him.

Eddie's head was filled with thoughts, such as, What if Richie likes me and Connor and can't decide? What if Richie chooses him over me? What if he stops talking to me and the rest of our friends because of him?

These thoughts made Eddie panic. His hands shake as he frantically unzips his fanny pack to find his inhaler.


Stan had been playing a round of Pac-Man and lost the round. Bill was standing next to Stan, listening to Richie and Connor laughing behind him. "Hey, E-Eddie's been kind of qu-quiet today.," Bill looks at Stan.

"Yeah.," Stan answers as he starts to turn around, "Eddie, are you-"

Stan looks around the arcade and doesn't see Eddie. Stan walks over to Richie, and Bill follows him. "Richie, where's your boyfriend?," Stan asks. "I don't know, check the bathroom.," Richie answers, staying focused on the game.

Bill goes to check the bathroom and comes back a few seconds later. "N-N-No one's in there.," Bill tells Stan.

"Fuck.," Stan mumbles as he walks out of the arcade, Bill following behind him.

"Boyfriend?," Connor asks Richie. "Yep.," Richie answers, "Your cousin was right about me."

"Oh.," Connor looks over at Richie, forgetting that they were in the middle of a game. "Fuck yeah!," Richie says as he wins again. He looks over at Connor, and Connor shakes his head at Richie.

"Well," Richie turns around and starts to leave, "if you'll excuse me, I have to go hunt my friends down-"

"Wait!," Connor taps Richie's arm, causing Richie to turn and look at him.

Connor grabs Richie's face and quickly kisses him.

"What the fuck, dude?," Richie pushes him away, "I just said I have a boyfriend!"

"I'm sorry, I-"

"I know I'm hot, but damn!"

"I thought-"

"You thought I would cheat on Eddie? You're fucking crazy.," Richie walks out of the arcade, and Connor watches him leave.


"Eddie!," Eddie hears Stan call his name. He turns around and sees him and Bill approaching him. Eddie puffs his inhaler as they sit on either side of him.

"Wh-What's wrong?," Bill asks Eddie. "I just got a little jealous and overreacted.," Eddie sighs, "That's it. There's nothing to worry about."

"Jealous?," Stan raises an eyebrow, "Of Connor?"

Eddie nods, "But I'm over it now. Where is Richie, anyways?"

"St-Still with C-C-C... A-At the arcade.," Bill tells Eddie.

"Oh.," Eddie looks down at his lap.

"Eddie?," Richie says, standing behind Eddie and causing him to jump. He turns and looks at Richie, "Richie-"

"Please don't be mad at me."


this is the third update i've done today but it's fine lol

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