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Ben, Beverly, and Mike had left to go to Ben's house. Stan and Bill went to Bill's house, leaving Richie and Eddie alone at the clubhouse.

The two boys were laying across from each other on the hammock. Eddie couldn't take his eyes off of Richie as he read a comic book.

"Richie?," Eddie says quietly, causing Richie to look up at him. "I don't really want to talk about this either, but if you leave, what am I going to do? I've pretty much just been staying with you all the time."

"Eddie, come here.," Richie scoots over and Eddie repositions, laying down beside Richie. Richie wraps his arm around Eddie, "Don't worry about that right now, okay? Like I said, it might not even happen."

Eddie rests his head on Richie's chest and puts a hand on Richie's stomach. "I love you.," Eddie tells him. Richie runs his fingers through Eddie's hair and pecks his forehead, "I love you more."

"That's a lie.," Eddie jokes, "I love you more."


It had been a while since Bill had any friends over at his house. His house became quiet after they had lost Georgie. Bill didn't like being home often because he always had to walk by Georgie's empty bedroom. Having Stan here with him made Bill feel a little better about being home.

The two boys walk into Bill's room. There were drawings of different animals and a few of their friends spread across Bill's desk, along with a few origami animals.

"Bill, these are really good.," Stan says, "I didn't know you could draw."

"Th-Thanks.," Bill picks up a sketch book, pencil, and eraser and sits down on his bed. "Sit right h-here.," Bill pats the spot across from him. "Okay.," Stan says, confused as he sits down. Stan watches Bill awkwardly as Bill begins drawing.


hi! thank you guys for 19k reads i still can't believe that omg :,) i've been having a lot of fun writing this one and my new one so go check it out if you want to ;)

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