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Bill quietly opens the clubhouse door and lowers Stan into the clubhouse carefully and he enters.

Ben and Beverly were asleep, her head on Ben's chest. Mike was asleep next to them. Richie was snoring in the hammock, and Eddie was next to him, still awake. He looks over at Bill holding Stan. "Hey, Bill.," Eddie whispers.

"H-Hi.," Bill gently lays Stan down on the floor. He then moves to a chair next to the hammock. "How's it going with your boyfriend?," Eddie jokes.

"H-He's not my b-boy-boyfriend yet, Eddie.," Bill tells him, "B-But I think i-i-it's going g-good. What about y-you?"

"He won't stop snoring and I can't sleep!," Eddie whispers, and they both giggle, trying not to wake their friends. "Does Stan snore like this?," Eddie asks Bill.

"N-No, he's usually qu-quiet when he s-sleeps.," Bill answers. "Lucky. Can we trade?," Eddie jokes, "I love him, but, god, I wish he'd let me sleep."

"E-Eddie!," Bill says a little too loud.

"What? Be quiet.," Eddie whispers.

"Y-Y-You what now?"

"I said I...," Eddie also gets louder, "Oh my god, Bill, I just said I love Richie! Is that weird? Is it too soon?"

"W-Well, he didn't h-he-hear you, d-did he?"

"Probably not over his snoring."

Eddie and Bill start laughing. Their laughing wakes Stan. "Bill?," Stan says softly from the other side of the clubhouse. Bill turns around and looks at him, "S-Sorry, Stan. M-M-Me and E-Eddie were talking. G-Go back to sleep.,"

"Okay, honey.," Stan yawns and turns onto his side, going back to sleep. Bill turns his attention back to Eddie.

"Stan is so cute.," Eddie tells Bill. "Y-Yeah, he is.," Bill smiles. "Richie's cute, too.," Eddie looks down at Richie, who was drooling all over himself. "I mean, he's disgusting, but he's cute." Bill and Eddie laugh again, trying not to wake Stan again.

Eddie rests his head on Richie's chest. "Hopefully, he doesn't drool on me.," Eddie whispers to Bill. "Y-Yeah.," Bill stands up from the chair, "I-I'm going to g-go lay down with S-St-Stan."

"Good night, Bill."

"G-Good night, Eddie."

Bill walks over to Stan and lays down, Stan's back facing him. He wraps his arms around Stan's waist and nuzzles his face in Stan's back, falling asleep.


Holy shit this story has 1K reads that's so crazy thank u guys!! <3 I'm glad you guys are liking it :)

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