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The rest of the losers had left the clubhouse, and Richie stayed with Eddie.

"Hey, Richie? Can I tell you something?" Eddie asks. Eddie was still laying on the hammock and Richie was sitting in a chair next to the hammock.

"What is it, Eds?," Richie says. "I was a little mad yesterday because I was a little jealous," Eddie tells Richie:

"Jealous? Of what?"

"I thought you liked Stan. You were spending a lot of time with each other and I didn't think you liked me. That's why I didn't think that you made the carving in the kissing bridge."

"I'm sorry," Richie grabs Eddie's hand, "Stan was just the first one I called, because I knew he would understand. I would have called you, but I was a train wreck that day, and didn't want you to see me like that. Plus, I thought you would think I was a freak."

Eddie looks up at Richie. "I would never think that. Who do you think I am, my mom?," Eddie says jokingly. "You're such a dork, Eddie," Richie giggles.

"Hey, you didn't call me Eds this time."

"Yeah, because you don't like it."

"I actually don't care if you call me Eds. It's kind of sweet," Eddie says before kissing Richie's hand. Richie blushes and asks, "Do you wanna go back to my house? You can stay there as long as you want. My parents don't really care."

"Yeah, let's go," Eddie says as he stands up from the hammock.


Dear Diary,

My friends finally told each other that they liked each other today. They're not dating yet, but I'm happy for them. They both went through a lot the past few days, and I hope they end up together later on. It gives me hope for my future. I want to find a nice boy, travel with him, then move in together and get a few pets. But right now, I'm not as brave as Richie, or even Eddie. I'm glad that Richie knew he could talk to me about this, so I know I can talk to him, but I'm scared to. It's not that I don't want my friends to know, but we live in a small town. Bowers saw Richie and Eddie kiss at the kissing bridge. I'm glad they didn't get hurt, but I'm scared that I will. However, I suppose if I don't say anything, It'll be harder to have the future I'm hoping for. Just in case I decide to tell anyone, wish me luck.

—Stanley Uris


Stan closes his diary and hides it in his night stand.

"Stanley, your friend is here!" Stan's dad calls from the front door. He stands up and opens his bedroom door, seeing Bill standing there. "H-Hey, Stan. I h-h-had to get some clothes from m-my house."

"Thanks for coming over, Bill," Stan smiles at him and Bill enters Stan's room. Stan closes the door and they sit down on his bed.

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