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The next day, they had a plan that Richie would hide somewhere while Eddie went into the clubhouse crying. Then, when they asked what's wrong, Eddie would tell them.

Richie and Eddie had gotten there first, but were hiding nearby, watching for everyone else show up. They watch as everyone shows up and enters the clubhouse. Richie turns to Eddie, "Okay, think about something sad and start crying."

Eddie couldn't help but giggle at Richie's attempt to make Eddie cry. "Come on, Eddie.," Richie laughs, "Does anything make you sad?"

Eddie shrugs, "I don't know!"

"I'm breaking up with you."

"Was that supposed to make me cry?"

"No, I'm being serious."

"No, you're not!"

"Yes, I am, Eddie."

"Wait, what?"

"Ever since Connor kissed me, I just haven't felt the same way about you."

"You're lying."

Richie shakes his head, "I'm sorry that the timing wasn't great, but I'm just not as happy anymore."

Eddie started to think he was serious. "Richie, what are you talking about? We were just fine last night!"

Richie begins tearing up, "I'm sorry, Eddie. I really wish I didn't feel this way."

Eddie begins tearing up. "Okay, perfect! Now go!," Richie says, pushing him in the direction of the clubhouse. Eddie flips him off before climbing into the clubhouse.


"Hey, E-Eddie!," Bill waves at Eddie. "Hi, guys.," Eddie sniffles. "Where's your boyfriend?," Beverly asks. "He didn't tell you, did he?," Eddie asks.

"Tell us what?," Ben asks with a worried expression.

"He spent the night at my house and when I woke up, he was gone. He left a note that his dad came to pick him up, and... and they left."

"Wait, he actually moved?," Stan asks.

"Yeah.," Eddie begins crying a little more, "And he also wrote that he didn't want to be with me anymore."

Mike stands up from the floor and hugs Eddie. Eddie hugs him back, crying into his shoulder. The rest of the losers also join the hug. "He is an annoying motherfucker, but I miss him already.," Beverly jokes, trying to make light of the situation.

"I just can't believe he broke up with you.," Stan says, pulling away from the group hug.

"I'll be okay, I think.," Eddie sighs as everyone else pulls away, "I just I need to go outside and get some fresh air."

"Y-You just got here.," Bill says, confused. Eddie turns around and climbs out of the clubhouse, motioning for Richie to come in. Richie runs over to the clubhouse and climbs in after Eddie.


hey guys! thank you so much for 24k reads <3 i really did not expect this to get that many reads when i started this story but i'm so glad you guys like it!!

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