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Bill has been trying to build up the courage to ask Stan on a date. He didn't know what he was really worried about. Stan liked him, he liked Stan- hell, they had just kissed like ten minutes ago.

Finally, Bill looks at Stan and asks, "C-ca-can I talk to y-you outside?" "Yeah.," Stan tells Bill. They both stand up and Stan says, "Hey, guys, we'll be right back."

No one seemed to have heard them but Mike and Ben. They nod to them. Stan and Bill exit the clubhouse.

"What is it? Are you okay?," Stan asks. "I-I-I just w-wanted to spend s-s-some alone time wi-with you.," Bill smiles at Stan, "I-If that's okay."

"Sure.," Stan giggles softly, "What do you want to do?" Bill grabs Stan's hand and they walk around.

Stan pointed at one of the trees and laughs, "Remember when I tried to hide there for hide and seek and got stuck?"

"Y-Yeah.," Bill laughs.

They move closer to the tree. They could hear soft chirping coming from the tree, and Stan's eyes light up.

"Bill, those eggs hatched!," Stan climbs up the tree. "I-I'll stay down h-here in case y-y-you fall again.," Bill jokes.

Stan gets close enough to see the baby birds, but not too close. As Stan was watching the birds, Bill was watching Stan. He loved seeing how excited Stan was, and in the moment, he knew he didn't want to be with anyone else.

Stan makes it down the tree by himself. In the time Stan had spent admiring the new baby birds, the sun had set.

"Shit, I didn't realize we were out here this long.," Stan tells Bill, "Should we go back?"

Bill shrugs, "O-Or, we could st-st-stay out here a-and watch the st-st-st-stars."

"I like that idea better.," Stan smiles. They move to a spot on the ground that didn't have as many trees and lay down. They were laying as close to each other as possible.

They stare at the sky for a few minutes before looking at each other. "I love being around you, Bill, you know that?," Stan asks him.

"Y-Yeah, me too.," Bill blushes.

"I'm sorry that our first kiss wasn't exactly perfect timing."

"I-It's okay. M-Maybe we can t-tr-try it again."

Stan sits up, "Oh, yeah?"

Bill also sits up. They turn to face each other. Stan puts his hands on Bill's face, and pulls him into a kiss.

Stan climbs into Bill's lap and wraps his legs around Bill's waist, still kissing him. Bill puts his hands on Stan's lower back. Stan wraps his arms around Bill's neck.

"Jesus christ, you two must like each other a lot!," Richie says, "Me and Eddie don't even kiss like that yet."

Stan pulls away from the kiss and asks, "What do you want, Richie?"

"Eddie said I should check on you guys. Plus, we all just decided to crash here for the night. Are you going to come back in?"

Stan and Bill look at each other before Stan answers, "Probably later."

"Okay.," Richie shrugs and turns around, entering the clubhouse again.


"So, what were they doing?," Beverly asks.

"Sucking on each other's faces like there's no tomorrow.," Richie answers.

"Who would've thought Stan and Bill would like each other?," Mike jokes.

The losers were sitting in a circle on the floor.

"Oh, I know! Had I known Stan liked boys sooner, I-"

Eddie glares at Richie, and Richie laughs, "I'm kidding, Eds!" He pulls Eddie closer to him and pecks his cheek, and Eddie blushes.


Bill and Stan were sitting in the same position, except Stan had fallen asleep on top of Bill. Bill slowly attempts to stand up, being careful to not to fall or wake Stan. Stan was kind of heavy, but Bill didn't mind. He carries Stan to the clubhouse.


Hey guys! This story currently has 688 reads and is ranked #36 for reddie stories so I just wanted to say thank you guys for reading!! Please check out my other story if you'd like to <3 in case anyone is interested in on instagram (@/trashmouthgazebos) and tumblr (letskillthisfuckingclown). Thank you again!! :,)

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