29 (tw: slurs)

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"Hey, Bill?"

Stan wakes Bill. Bill groans and mumbles, "What?"

"I think I should get home before my parents start thinking I've gone missing or something. We can hang out again later when everyone else is awake."

"Okay.," Bill pecks Stan's cheek and goes back to sleep.

Stan stands up and stretches before leaving the clubhouse.


Dear diary,

I've definitely missed a few entries, but I did it! I didn't really have to say too much. I only talked to Richie about it, but everyone else figured it out when me and Bill kissed to save Richie and Eddie from Bowers. Oh, yeah- Me and Bill are kind of dating. We haven't really gone on any dates or anything, but we both like each other a lot. I feel like things are moving a little fast between us, though. Maybe I should talk to Bill about that. Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and say that. I'm going to go back to the clubhouse.

—Stanley Uris

Stan decides to eat something and take a quick shower before leaving to go back to the clubhouse.


Stan had a bad feeling about walking back to the clubhouse alone, but he still decided to do it anyways.

He approaches the kissing bridge, looking at all of the carvings as he walks. He puts his hands in his pockets, watching his feet as he walks.

He could hear footsteps behind him. Maybe I'm just too nervous for no reason, Stan thought, Maybe they'll go away.

But they didn't. Stan could see someone standing close to him out of the corner of his eye. He was too scared to look up and see who it was, so he starts walking faster. The footsteps still followed him.

At this point, Stan knew what was happening. Bowers was behind him, and since Stan was alone, he was going to try something- Stan just didn't know what.

"Where are you going? Get back here, fag!," Henry yells at Stan. Stan walks even faster in the direction of the clubhouse, hoping he could lose Bowers through the trees. He just keeps going straight and doesn't turn around.

Henry begins sprinting towards Stan, and Stan starts running. Stan was starting to be able to see where the clubhouse was, so he speeds up...

...and trips over a rock. "Ow, fuck!," Stan tries to sit up before Bowers can catch up to him, but as soon as he gets up, Bowers grabs his arm and slams Stan up against a tree.


Hi guys! This chapter is kind of dark i'm sorry about that but this story has like 2k reads already that's crazy omg thank u guys for reading it <3 if u like this one u should check out my other story ;) this one will hopefully get better but i'm also running out on ideas for this one so if u have any ideas message me :)))

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