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Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Bill decided to walk around Derry for a while. Bill already knew that Stan could tell how he felt about him, but he still wanted to say something. He just didn't know what.

"Hey.," Richie grabs Eddie's hand. Eddie looks up at Richie. "I've been meaning to ask you this, but, uh...," Richie looks around to make sure no one is looking at them, and then turns back to Eddie, "Will you be my boyfriend? I know it's kind of weird timing, but-"

"I thought you'd never ask.," Eddie smiles at Richie. Richie lets go of Eddie's hand and wraps his arm around him.

"What the fuck?," the boys turn around to see Henry Bowers, "Did I just hear that right, Tozier?"

Eddie keeps his eyes on Richie. Henry pulls a knife out of his pocket. "Cool, I have one of those, too.," Richie says sarcastically, "How about you leave us alone or I'll get mine out, too?"

Henry walks closer to Richie, and Eddie moves behind him, hiding from Henry. He holds the knife about a centimeter from Richie's throat. "What do you think you're going to do, fairy?"

Eddie nuzzles his face in Richie's back and starts hyperventilating. Richie puts his hands on Eddie's.

Stan looks at Bill, then Richie and Eddie, then Henry. He takes a deep breath and says, "Hey, Bowers!"

Henry looks over at Stan. "What the fuck do you want?"

Stan grabs Bill's face. "Be ready to run.," he whispers to Bill.


"You've got the wrong guys.," Stan tells Henry before kissing Bill.

"Oh my god, Stan-" Richie got even more scared now. He knew that  this was Stan's biggest fear.

Stan grabs Bill's hand. "Now!," he whispers, and they run in the direction of the clubhouse.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!," Bowers runs after them. Richie pulls Eddie off of him and starts running after them.

"RICHIE!," Eddie tries to keep up with him, but he was already having trouble breathing. Richie quickly turns around and grabs Eddie's
hand, and continues running.

Eddie begins sobbing. He can barely breathe and feels like he's going to pass out if they run any more. "It's okay, baby, we're almost there.," Richie tells Eddie in between breaths.


Beverly, Ben, and Mike are all in the clubhouse. Beverly is in the hammock, and Ben and Mike are sitting on the floor.

"I think we lost him!," They hear Stan say from outside the clubhouse. They all look at the entrance as Stan and Bill enter the clubhouse and close the entrance.

"W-What about R-R-Richie a-and Eddie?," Bill asks Stan.


Richie and Eddie hide behind a tree close to the clubhouse. Eddie's hands are shaking as he opens his fanny pack to get his inhaler, but he can't find it.

"Richie, I can't find my fucking inhaler and I can't breathe! I must have forgotten it at Stan's house."

"Fuck.," Richie sighs. "We'll go get it later, Eds."

Eddie starts feeling nauseous. "Richie... I think I'm gonna-" Eddie faints. "Oh, shit.," Richie moves Eddie so his head is in Richie's lap. He runs his fingers through Eddie's hair.

Richie could see where the clubhouse was. He pulls Eddie a little closer to the clubhouse. He knocks on the clubhouse door and says in a shaky voice, "Guys? Let us in!"


Hey guys! I just wanted to tell y'all that I started another story if you want to read it too ;) it's a reddie/losers club au if you're interested :)) Also thank you guys for almost 300 reads <3

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