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All of the losers were back in the clubhouse.

Bill has just sat down next to Beverly as Stan gives Eddie his inhaler.

"G-Guess what?," Bill says to Beverly, smiling. "What?," she asks him. He leans in and whispers in her ear, "He l-likes me b-back."

Beverly looks at Bill. "Good for you!," Beverly smiles, "How'd you find out?"

"He t-t-told me when w-we were g-getting ice cream with R-R-Richie and Eddie."

"Did he ask you out?"


"Did you ask him out?"


"Are you going to?"

Bill shrugs, "I f-f-feel like I sh-should because he t-told me he l-liked me first, a-and I felt bad f-for not t-telling him until l-l-later."

"Take him birdwatching.," Beverly tells Bill, "He loves it."

"O-Okay.," Bill nods. Stan sits down next to Bill. They smile at each other. "I'm glad Eddie's feeling better.," Stan tells Bill.

"What actually happened?," Beverly asks.

Richie looks over at Beverly and says, "Bowers almost killed us, but Stan and Bill kissed, so he almost killed them instead, and Eddie had a bad asthma attack and fainted."

Mike, Ben, and Beverly all look at Stan.

"What?," Stan says.

"Why?," Ben asks.

"Why not? You'd kiss Beverly if you had the chance, wouldn't you?," Stan jokes, and Beverly giggles.

"Are you dating?," Mike asks.

"I don't know.," Stan looks at Bill, "Are we?"

"I-I-I don't know h-how relationships w-w-work.," Bill shrugs, "D-Don't ask me."

"It's okay, Bill, we know you don't.," Richie says, making the losers laugh. "Hey, be nice to Bill.," Eddie says, trying not to laugh. "I'm just being honest. Is that not considered 'nice' anymore?," Richie pecks Eddie's cheek a few times.

"St-Stan?," Bill says softly to Stan.

"What's up?," Stan asks.

"I-If we did d-d-date, and w-we happened to b-b-break up, would we st-still be friends?"

"Of course, Bill. Dating or not, you'll always be one of my best friends."

Bill smiles and rests his head on Stan's shoulder.


This chapter is kind of short but holy shit thank you guys for 500 reads! I swear every time I open this app this story gets way more reads than before and I'm really glad you guys are like omg this story <3 I'm working on another story you guys can also read if you want to :))

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