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"Why did we let Stan choose what we were going to do?," Richie sighs.

The losers had been sitting and laying on the ground, looking up at the trees and the sky, looking for birds.

Richie was sitting criss cross with Eddie's head in his lap. Bill sat in the middle of Stan and Mike, holding Stan's hand. Beverly sat in Ben's lap, Ben's chin resting on Beverly's shoulder.

"I think this is nice.," Beverly says to Richie. "Yeah, Richie, shut up.," Stan says, glaring at Richie.

"There aren't even any fucking birds out, Stanley!," Richie looks at Stan.

"Go back in the clubhouse then.," Eddie looks up at Richie, playfully slapping him in the face.

"No!," Richie looks down at Eddie and playfully punches his arm.

"Then shut the fuck up.," Eddie crosses his arms.

"Beat his ass, Eddie!," Beverly jokes.

"What's Eddie going to do?," Richie laughs, "Spray me with his inhaler?"

"No.," Eddie says, "I'll take your glasses so you can't see me when I kick you in the-"

"You're so cute when you're mad.," Richie laughs. Eddie rolls his eyes. Richie leans down and pecks Eddie's face a few times.

Richie and Eddie go back and forth jokingly arguing over nothing, and Stan looks down at his lap. Bill looks at Stan and whispers, "Are y-you okay?"

Stan nods. He looks at their hands, and Bill rubs the back of Stan's hand with his thumb. His gaze moves up to Bill's face and he looks into Bill's eyes.

"T-Tonight, you and I can st-stay at my h-h-house if you want.," Bill suggests.

"Okay.," Stan says, not fully paying attention to what he was saying. Stan and Bill look back up at the sky, Stan resting his head on Bill's shoulder.


hi! i just posted the first part of the au i was thinking about writing if you're interested ;) it's called 'now or never' and i'm really excited about it so far so check it out if you want to :)))

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