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"Okay, Bill, your date with Bev is today at the clubhouse. We'll hang around outside in case it doesn't go as planned.," Richie tells Bill. "O-Okay," Bill mumbles.

I really don't want to go on this date, Bill thought.

He looks over at Stan and he softly smiles at Bill. "Good luck," Stan tells him.

"Thanks, I-I guess," Bill sighs. "What's
wrong?," Stan asks, confused.

"I'm just n-n-nervous, that's all," Bill lies. He just wanted to stay here with Stan all day.


"Isn't this romantic?," Beverly jokes, "So, you like me, huh?"

Richie and Eddie had decorated the clubhouse for Bill & Beverly's date.

"Y-Yeah, you're my f-f-friend.," Bill answers.

Beverly was confused. "Friend? Bill, if you don't like me, I don't care. I'm kind of more into Ben, anyways. So, what's the problem?"

Bill starts to get nervous. "I-I don't want them to h-h-hear me."

Beverly stood up and went up the ladder. "Hey, guys, do you mind? We need a little privacy."

"Oooh, privacy?," Richie smirks.

"Shut up, dude.," Beverly rolls her eyes before closing the clubhouse door.

She sits back down by Bill. "Okay," she says, "They're gone and the door is closed. What's going on?"

"W-Well, I spent the n-n-night at-at Stan's house..."


"...A-And he held my h-hand..."


"...And I-I-I..."

"You think you like him?"

"Yeah... I th-think so.," Bill looked down at his lap. Bill was so nervous that he could cry. It felt so weird saying it out loud.

"Are you sure you don't just like the attention?"

"I-I mean, I only l-l-like it from him."

Beverly nods, "I think you should just be patient. I mean, the worst he could do is not feel the same way, and you might not even feel like this tomorrow."

"O-Okay, Bev. Th-Thanks," Bill smiles at Beverly.

"Now, go find him."

"B-But you just s-s-said to be p-patient."

"Yeah, not sit back and wait for him to make a move. Now go. He's probably laying on the ground watching birds or something.," Beverly playfully pushes Bill.


"H-Hey, Stan."

Bill stands over Stan as he was laying on the ground. "Can I j-join you?"

Stan nods, and Bill lays down next to him.

"So, how was your date?," Stan asks.

"I w-wouldn't exactly call it a date. Sh-Sh-She likes Ben."

"Oh man, that sucks."

"Yeah, b-but I'm fine."

Bill looks down at Stan's hand.

"Hey, lovebirds!," Richie jokes. Stan and Bill look awkwardly at each other. "Bill, I can't believe Bev doesn't like you back. Well, actually..."

"Shut up, Richie!," Eddie slaps Richie's arm, "He's probably upset."

"I-I'm not, actually," Bill says, "I'm fine."

"Eds, let's go back to the clubhouse," Richie grabs Eddie's hand. They turn around and go to the clubhouse.

Stan looks at Bill. "While you were on your 'date', me, Richie, and Eddie said we wanted to have a sleepover at the clubhouse tonight. We can go get some sleeping bags from my house."

"Th-That sounds fun," Bill says.

"Okay. Everyone else will be here later," Stan sits up, "Let's go to my house."

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