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When Stan woke up, the four of them decided to go to the arcade.

They get there and when they walk in, Richie sees a familiar face looking at him.

It was Connor Bowers, Henry's cousin.

"Hey, Richie!," Connor waves at him, "Do you want to play 'Street Fighter'?" Richie froze. What if he was setting him up and Henry was there? What if they tried to hurt him- and his friends- again?

"Richie, what's wrong?," Eddie asks, "Who is that?"

Richie looks over at Stan, who was the only one who knew about what had happened the last time Richie was at the arcade. Stan, however, didn't seem to remember.

"Hey, listen.," Connor says, approaching Richie, "I'm sorry about last time. I didn't mean it."

Richie looks down at his feet, not answering him.

"Henry's not here. He got in trouble and my uncle's pissed at him."

Bill and Eddie look over at Stan. Bill grabs Stan's hand. Stan looks at Bill, flustered.

Richie slowly looks up at Connor. "Are these your friends?," Connor asks Richie.

"Yeah.," Richie nods, adjusting his glasses, "Stan, Bill, and Eddie."

"I'm Connor.," Connor looks at Stan and Bill, then Eddie, "Richie's really good at 'Street Fighter'."

Eddie had a bad feeling about him. Maybe it's just because he's related to Henry, but something was off about him.

"Come on.," Connor grabs Richie's wrist and takes him over to the 'Street Fighter' game.

Stan and Bill look at each other, then at Eddie. Eddie watches as Richie puts a coin the the game and starts playing it with Connor. He then looks at Stan and Bill before walking over to Richie.

The game ends, and Richie wins. "Damn it!," Connor sighs, "I want a rematch."

Eddie rests his head on Richie's arm and looks up at him, "Richie, do you want to-"

"Okay.," Richie looks at Connor, "If you want me to kick your ass again, let's do it."

Connor puts a coin in and they start playing another round. Eddie looks over at Stan and Bill. Bill was playing Pac-Man and Stan was standing next to him with his hand on Bill's back.

Eddie wraps his arms around Richie's waist. "Eds, I'm trying to play a game here!," Richie says, staying focused on the game.

"Fine.," Eddie moves away from Richie and crosses his arms, "Play your stupid game then."

"Eddie- Fuck!," Richie had started to say something, but was distracted by the game.

Eddie watches as Connor's gaze moves to Richie every few seconds. He saw the way he smiled when Richie would say anything while they were playing. Eddie was hoping to spend more time with Richie after he was upset last night and this morning, but Richie seemed to have forgotten Eddie was even there.

Eddie looks over at the doors of the arcade.


hey! thank u guys for 17k reads, 500+ votes and 200+ comments <3 i love reading your comments so much omg :,)

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