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The four boys arrive at the clubhouse and the other three losers had already been there.

"Stan, what the fuck are you wearing?," Beverly asks. Stan had almost forgotten that he was wearing one of Richie's Hawaiian shirts.

"Shut up. The shirt I was wearing was covered in blood.," Stan says to Beverly.

"Richie, I would say that  you're the only person who can pull off those shirts, but even you look like a crackhead.," Mike jokes.

"Mike, I might look like a crackhead, but did Henry Bowers' cousin try to kiss you?," Richie winks, "Because I don't think he did."

"Wait, what the hell?," Beverly's jaw drops.

"Richie, is that really something you're proud of?," Eddie sighs, his patience wearing thin.

"No, I just think it's funny.," Richie laughs, and Eddie rolls his eyes.

"When did this happen?," Beverly asks.

"Today at the arcade. I guess he thought I liked him, but told that clown that I was with Eds.," Richie wraps his arms around Eddie's waist from behind him and pecks Eddie's cheek, making Eddie blush.

"Damn.," Ben says, "It must suck that he has to deal with Henry."

"I don't think we'll have to worry about Henry for much longer.," Stan tells Ben.

"What? Are you planning to kill him?," Mike asks.

"No.," Stan laughs, "I think Richie's dad told Henry's dad what he did to me."

"Oh, that's good.," Ben says.

"Yeah, as long as my dad doesn't find out that, um...," Stan starts, and Richie interrupts, "-That Stan likes Bill."

"Yeah.," Stan sighs, "That."

"Anyways, I'm bored as hell.," Richie tells
the losers, "What do you guys want to do?"


hey guys! i can't believe this story has 18k reads thank u guys <3 i kind of want to start that other story soon tbh but i'll have to come up with a title i kind of have an idea for the plot already but yeah i might do that soon lol

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