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Ben, Beverly, and Mike had woken up earlier and left. Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Bill had slept in.

Richie wakes up and notices that besides Eddie, Stan, and Bill, who were still cuddling, were the only ones left. "So that's who Bill really likes, huh?," Richie whispers to himself, "Definitely didn't see that coming."

Stan wakes up, not noticing that Richie is awake, too. He looks down at Bill and smiles. "So, what's going on with you two?," Richie asks Stan. Stan jumps and looks at Richie. His heart was racing. "What? Nothing.," Stan answers, "He was just scared of the storm, that's all."

"I think he likes you."

"What, Bill? No way.," Stan gently pushes Bill off of him and sits up, "I have to go."

"Stan, what's the matter?" Richie sits up.

Stan rushes out of the hammock and Richie follows him.

A few minutes later, Bill and Eddie wake up. Bill sits up and looks around the clubhouse, but Stan wasn't there. "Bill, do you know where Richie went?," Eddie asks him. "No." Bill answers, "Or S-Stan. I guess I was wr-wr-wrong about him."

Eddie sits up and asks, "What are you talking about?"


Richie finds Stan sitting outside, crying. "Hey, Stan, what's wrong?," Richie asks a he sits down next to Stan, "Did I upset you? I'm sorry."

"No, it's not you.," Stan wipes his eyes on his sweater sleeve, "It's me. I just... I can't."


"I can't have these feelings for him, I don't want him to get hurt."

"Stan, what do you mean you don't want him to get hurt?"

"What happened- or what almost happened- to you and Eddie. I don't want that to happen to us but I just know it will. I like... Bill, a lot... it just feels weird to say it out loud. But, I don't want to be the reason he ever gets hurt. And I don't want to get hurt just because I like him, either."


"...I-I mean, we hold h-h-hands a lot! A-A-And last n-night we c-c-cuddled, and for f-fucks sake, Eddie, he k-k-kissed my forehead! B-But this morning, he j-j-just leaves, probably w-with Richie? He's giving me m-m-mixed signals."

"I know how you feel, Bill. Richie called me cute a lot and I woke up to him cuddling with me one day. I didn't really hate it, but it freaked me out and I left. I was just scared, and so was Richie, and so is Stan, probably. And I used to think Stan and Richie liked each other, so that's why I kissed Stan. You know, to see if Richie got jealous."

"T-The first time we h-held hands, that's when I knew. I-I-I just always want to hold his h-hand, and still do. And he m-makes me feel s-s-safe."

"Stan has a way with comforting people, it's kind of weird, but nice. Meanwhile, Richie's just a goofball that wants my attention all the time. And it's like, he hasn't even really asked me out on a date yet, now that I think about it. And I heard him say that he's ready for a relationship, and he's kissed me twice and is always cuddling with me, but I don't even know if we're actually dating or not!"

"B-Boys are confusing.," Bill sighs.

"Agreed.," Eddie and Bill giggle.

"What are we talking about?," Richie asks as he enters the clubhouse, Stan entering after him. "The usual," Eddie says, "You know, the weather, think of ways to murder you-"

Bill bursts out laughing. Stan smiles as Bill laughs, because he looks cute. "Wow, you think that's funny, Bill? Clearly it doesn't take much to entertain you.," Richie laughs.

"Hey, shut up!," Eddie rolls his eyes, "I'm funny!"

"Funny looking.," Richie sits down on the hammock next to Eddie.

Stan and Bill laugh. Eddie crosses his arms, trying to keep a straight face.

"I think I have to get home soon. Bill, do you want to come with me?," Stan says, looking at Bill. "Y--Yeah, sure.," Bill stands up and helps Stan pack everything from the sleepover and they leave.

"Wow, they're so dumb.," Richie shakes his head, "Can they not tell that they like each other?" "No, they definitely know.," Richie answers, "I bet ten bucks Bill will make the first move."

"Bill? No, you and I both know Stan will do it. Anyways, Eds, would you like to go see a movie with me today?"

"Like, a date?"

"Well, duh. You're about as dumb as Bill and Stan."

"Whatever, dumb ass. Of course, I would love to."

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