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"What the hell does she want to see me for?," Eddie asks.

Richie and Eddie had followed Wentworth out of the clubhouse. Richie holds Eddie's hand as they walk.

"She said she's been worried about you because you haven't taken your medicine. She also said you were sick?"

Eddie looks down at his feet as he walks. Richie squeezes Eddie's hand to comfort him.

"Dad, please tell me this is a joke.," Richie tells Wentworth, "I don't even want her to see Eddie because she's gonna be a bitch to us the second she sees us."

"I wish it was.," He tells Richie as they enter his car, "I'll talk to her first and if she wants to be a bitch, I won't let her see Eddie. You two can wait in the car."

Richie and Eddie, who are sitting in the back seat, look at each other. Richie gives Eddie a soft smile and Eddie smiles back as they buckle up.

Eddie watches Wentworth drive, thinking about how different his mom would be if his dad hadn't passed. Maybe his dad would've been more like Richie's dad. He loves the fact that he doesn't feel the need to hide who he is around Richie's dad, he just does it because he's used to doing it around his mom.

"Are you okay?," Richie whispers to Eddie. Eddie snaps out of his thoughts and looks at Richie. "Yeah.," Eddie nods. Richie grabs Eddie's hand, intertwining their fingers.

A short drive later, they arrive at Eddie's house, Sonia standing outside with her arms crossed. Wentworth gets out of the car, leaving it running since they shouldn't be there long. The boys watch as Wentworth approaches Sonia.

"Where's Eddie?," Sonia asks, looking at Wentworth's car. "He's waiting in the car. He's not going to get out if you're going to be unreasonable."

"What do you-," Sonia watches as Richie kisses Eddie in the car to taunt her. She looks at Wentworth, pointing to his car, "You're letting your son do that to my Eddie bear?"

Wentworth looks at them, waves, then turns back to Sonia. "Why not?"

"I cannot believe you, Wentworth! That's disgusting.," Sonia shakes her head.

The boys laugh as Wentworth begins to lose his patience with Sonia as they argue back and forth. "You know," Richie says, "I don't think I've ever seen my dad talk to your mom like that."

"I've never seen my mom talk to anyone besides doctors.," Eddie says, "This is entertaining."

"We should do this more often.," Richie jokes, causing Eddie to giggle.

Sonia goes inside of her house for about five or ten minutes before coming back out with two giant suitcases and a plastic bag full of pill bottles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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