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"W-Would you rather b-b-be deaf or blind?"

"Deaf. Would you rather be rich and live alone or not rich and live with someone you love?"

"Um... N-Not rich."

Stan and Bill were laying down, facing each other. "Stan, w-what time is it?," Bill asks. Stan looks at his watch. "Almost ten." Bill stands up. "Okay, I-I'm gonna ch-change really quick."

Bill begins to change into his pajamas, and says, "I wonder if R-Richie has talked t-t-to Eddie yet."

"Yeah, me too," Stan mumbles. Bill finishes changing and lays back down next to Stan. Stan looks down at Bill's hand.

How would he react if I tried to hold his hand right now?, Stan thought, Wait, I can't do that. It would be weird, he's my friend. But, I really want to.


"Stan looks up at Bill, "What?"

"I-I said, it must have b-b-been weird for you to k-kiss Eddie knowing R-Richie liked him, r-right?"

"A little, but I think it was more weird for Richie having to watch it."

Stan looks back down at Bill's hand. Bill follows his eyes, and looks back at Stan, "A-Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine," Stan answers. Bill puts his hand on top of Stan's. They look at each other.

"Are you s-sure?," Bill asks. "Yeah," Stan smiles at him.

Can he read my mind or something?, Stan thought, Or does he feel the same way?

Stan turns his hand around and their fingers intertwine. "W-Well, I'm tired. Good night, S-Stan."

"Good night, Bill."

Bill quickly fell asleep, still holding Stan's hand. Stan couldn't help but smile every time he looked down at their hands.


Bill and Stan stood by the quarry. The rest of the losers are swimming. Nothing was different about Stan, but Bill felt a strange feeling about him. Not bad, just weird. Nothing he's ever felt about someone else. They were holding hands, and in the moment, it just felt right.


"Rise and shine, Eds!"

Eddie wakes up and Richie is laying on top of him. "Richie, why are you laying on me?," Eddie groans. Richie puts his hands on Eddie's face and pecks his lips. Eddie blushes. "You are so cute when you're tired," Richie giggles.

Richie gets off of Eddie. Eddie sits up and stretches. "Here you go, Eds," Richie hands Eddie his pills. "Thanks," Eddie smiles and takes them.

"Stan called and said he wants us to come over. Bill's there too, but he said his lazy ass is still asleep," Richie rests his head on Eddie's chest.

"Okay, we can go when I'm not as tired," Eddie yawns.

the kissing bridge [reddie+stenbrough]Where stories live. Discover now