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Richie was the first one to wake up, but he didn't want to move. He was comfortable in Eddie's arms, and he also didn't want to wake Eddie.

He wanted to talk to Eddie about what was happening, but he didn't know for sure whether or not he even had to leave Derry. He didn't want to upset Eddie for no reason if he wasn't going anywhere.

On the other hand, if there was a possibility of him leaving, he wanted to tell Eddie about it. He hated the idea of keeping something like that from Eddie and losing him because of it.

The thought of leaving Eddie terrified him. He didn't know what he'd do without him. Richie starts getting lost in his thoughts, trying not to start crying.

Richie squirms around, causing Eddie to wake up. Eddie yawns and takes his arms off of Richie before stretching. "Good morning, baby.," Richie says to Eddie.

"Good morning.," Eddie mumbles. Richie reaches over to his nightstand and picks up his glasses, putting them on. He then moves a little closer to Eddie, trying not to cry while thinking about the possibility of having to move away from him.

Eddie notices Richie avoiding eye contact with him and raises an eyebrow, "Richie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing.," Richie exhales, his eyes welling up with tears, "Don't worry about it."

Eddie sits up, sitting criss cross on the bed. He can tell that Richie was upset.

"Richie, I'll worry about it if I want to.," Eddie sighs, "So, what's up?"

Richie rests his head in Eddie's lap, thinking about if he should answer him.

Eddie decides not to pressure him if he didn't want to talk about it. Eddie puts his hand on Richie's arm, softly rubbing Richie's bicep with his thumb.

Bill wakes up shortly after, still holding hands with Stan. He remembers that Stan had kissed him last night, and he could tell that Stan still wanted to be with him.

He looks up at the bed and sees that Eddie is awake. "E-Eddie!," Bill whispers. "Yeah?," Eddie looks over at Bill. Bill moves the blanket off of him and Stan, showing Eddie that Stan was holding his hand.

Richie sits up, also seeing Bill and Stan's hands. "Damn, get it, Bill!," Richie jokes.

"Shut up, idiot.," Eddie laughs.


hey guys! thank u guys for 16k i still can't believe that this story's gotten so many reads it's so crazy to me lol :)) i just had an idea for this story that i may or may not include some time in the next few chapters 👀

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