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"W-We can't g-g-go out today. Our throats h-h-hurt.," Bill tells Richie and Eddie.

"Dammit.," Richie pulls his wallet out of his pocket.

"What are you doing?," Stan asks Richie, "We just got sick from the rain."

"Oh...," Richie puts his wallet back in his pocket.

"W-Wait a minute, EW! I-I-I mean, n-no offense, Stan-"

"Wait, does that count?," Richie whispers to Eddie and Eddie shakes his head.

"No, I get it. Richie's weird. Anyways," Stan looks at Richie and Eddie, "How was you guys' day?"

"Well, we went on a date," Richie says, "It was pretty fun."

"Yeah, besides the fact that that was a sorry excuse for a horror movie and I had an anxiety attack, I had a good time with you, Richie.," Eddie smiles at Richie.

"Do you want to go get ice cream?," Richie asks Bill and Stan.

"Richie, we said-"

"Don't worry, I probably have something for that.," Eddie empties his fanny pack on Stan's bed, "Plus, my mommy- Sonia used to give me ice cream when I had a sore throat. It made me feel better."

"Wow, you called her by her first name?," Richie asks, "You must really hate her, huh? That's too bad, I thought she was lovely."

Eddie rolls his eyes at Richie. "This is the same person that helped me calm down at the movie theater ten minutes ago. I don't know what's
wrong with him.," he says to Bill and Stan as he digs through his pills.

"Yet, ai'm irresistible, Eds.," Richie jokes, "You know you love me."

"Is that right, Richie? Do I?," Eddie jokes as he picks up a bottle of pills and hands it to Bill and Stan, "Here, this is for allergies, because this happens to me a lot when the weather changes. This should help."

"Thanks, Eddie.," Stan says. Bill and Stan both reach for the bottle and their hands touch. "S-Sorry...," Bill pulls his hand away quickly. Stan takes some pills for himself, then gives a few to Bill. They take them and Stan hands the bottle back to Eddie.

Eddie puts all of his pills in his fanny pack. "Let's go, ladies.," Richie says as Bill and Stan get up. Richie holds his hand out for Eddie. "Eds?" Eddie grabs Richie's hand. "Remember," Richie whispers, "If you feel uncomfortable, just look at me. I mean, I already know you can't take your eyes off of me anyways-"

"Oh my god, Richie, shut up.," Eddie giggles.

Stan and Bill look at each other. "They're cute.," Stan whispers. "Y-Yeah, they are.," Bill whispers back.

Stan and Bill walked behind Richie and Eddie. Bill looks at Richie and Eddie holding hands, then down at Stan's hand.

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