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Stan had fallen asleep with his head in Bill's lap. He was exhausted from what had happened earlier.

Ben and Beverly had left to hang out at Ben's house. Everyone was almost positive that they liked each other.

"Man.," Richie says, looking at Mike, "You're the only single one in the loser's club. I bet that fucking sucks."

"It's not bad.," Mike shrugs, "I like hanging out with you guys more than I would like hanging out with some girl."

"Or boy, if you're into that.," Richie jokes.

"Yeah.," Mike laughs.

"Richie, Ben and Beverly aren't even dating!," Eddie turns to look at Richie.

"It'll happen.," Richie pecks Eddie's cheek and jokes, "We all know they're in love with each other!"

"W-Well, me and St-Stan aren't d-d-dating.," Bill tells them.

"Whaaat?," Richie looks over at Bill, resting his chin on Eddie's shoulder, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Yeah, Bill!," Eddie looks at Bill, "Why not? Are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine.," Bill looks down at Stan and runs his fingers through Stan's hair, "It's just t-t-too soon."

"Well, maybe when you're older, it'll work out.," Mike tells Bill. "Y-Yeah.," Bill mumbles.

Bill was a little upset, but he knew he didn't want to force Stan to do something he wasn't ready for.

Stan turns and lays down on the side that his face was cut. Stan wakes up after irritating his face. "Ow, fuck.," Stan groans. "A-Are you alright, St-St-Stan?," Bill asks.

"Yeah, it just hurts a little.," Stan answers, stretching. Stan repositions himself so he's sitting next to Bill. He then rests his head on Bill's shoulder, falling back asleep.

Bill wraps his arm around Stan's waist.

"Bill?," Richie asks.

"Wh-What?," Bill looks at Eddie.

"Why are you torturing yourself like that?"

"What do you m-m-mean?"

Eddie looks at Bill, "I think you might want to, um, sit somewhere else?"

"F-For what?"

"Bill.," Mike sighs, "If he's not ready to date, maybe he shouldn't be acting like he does."

"Yeah, what he said.," Richie tells Bill, "The more you sit there and cuddle with him and shit, the more he's going to hurt your feelings."

Bill looks down at his lap. They were right, and Bill knew it, but it was hard to think about not being with Stan.

"You don't have to, like, avoid him or anything.," Eddie says.

"Yeah.," Mike agrees, "But if he tries to hold your hand or cuddle with you, don't let him."

"O-Okay.," Bill says, "B-B-But I will later. I don't f-feel like getting up r-right now."


Hi I finally updated this one :)) We hit 7k reads already what the hell thank you guys <3

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