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"Aw, come on!," Richie crosses his arms after his friends break the news to him that his prank didn't work.

"Richie, we all know you wouldn't break up with Eddie just because you're moving.," Stan tells Richie.

"Hey, I didn't tell him to say that part!," Richie turns to Eddie.

"What?," Eddie shrugs, "I thought that would make it more believable!"

"Nope.," Bill shakes his head, "I-I almost f-f-fell for it until you said th-that."

"Damn it, Eddie, you ruined it!," Richie sighs, "I still love you, though."

"I'm sorry!," Eddie tells Richie, "I love you, too."

Stan and Bill sit down in the hammock across from each other.

"Stanley! You stole our spot!," Richie says to Stan, moving over to the hammock. "Who said that this was your spot?," Stan asks.

"Me. Now, get up."

"No, fuck off!"

"At least move over then."


Stan rolls his eyes and scoots over to make just enough room for Richie to sit on the other side of Stan. Bill pulls Stan closer to him. Eddie sits down on the floor near the hammock.

The losers suddenly hear a knock on the clubhouse door. They all look at each other, dreading to hear Henry and his goons attempting to go after them yet again.

However, the knock was followed by a grown man's voice, "Richie? Are you here?"

"Oh, it's my dad. Thank god.," He tells the losers before calling to him, "Yeah, I'm here!"

Mike and Ben open the door to let him in. Wentworth climbs into the clubhouse, "What's up, kids?"

"How did you know i was here?," Richie asks. "I've been in here before!," Wentworth answers, "Anyways, I have some good news and some not so good news. Which one do you guys want to hear first?"

While no one said anything, it was obvious that the losers wanted go hear the good news first.

"Well, the good news is Henry won't be bothering you anymore!," He tells them.

"Jesus, what did you do? Kill him?," Beverly asks sarcastically.

"No, I-," Wentworth pauses and turns to Beverly as she presses her lips together in an attempt to not laugh. He shakes his head and continues, "I talk to Henry's dad. He's pissed at him."

"Is he going to jail?," Stan asks, a little hopeful that he could hang out with his friends- especially Bill- without being scared.

"I have no clue.," Wentworth answers, "Now, the bad news doesn't really apply to anyone but Eddie."

Eddie's eyes widen and he looks at Wentworth, "Oh, god. What is it?," he asks.

"I got a call from your mom. That's mainly the reason I'm here."


hi guys i'm back :))

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