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"Get the fuck off of me!"

Mike wakes up to Stan yelling outside of the clubhouse. He shakes Ben and Beverly to wake them up, before rushing over to Richie and Eddie.

"What the fuck, Mike?," Beverly groans, sitting up. "Stan's in trouble.," Mike tells her, "I heard him outside."

"What?," she asks, her eyes wide. She turns to Ben, who was still asleep, and shakes him, "Ben, get your lazy ass up!"

Mike shakes the hammock and wakes Richie and Eddie. Richie looks up at Mike and asks, "What's going on-"


"Oh my god, Stan!," Richie quickly stands up from the hammock and rushes to the door of the clubhouse. Ben, Mike, and Beverly follow him out.

Eddie runs over to Bill and wakes him up. "Hey, Bill, don't freak out, but something's going on outside with Stan."

"Wh-What?," Bill sits up, "I-Is he okay?"

"Everyone's outside checking on him-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, BOWERS!," The boys hear Beverly scream. Eddie and Bill approach the door of the clubhouse and peek outside to see what was going on. The losers were throwing rocks at Henry. Meanwhile, Stan was sitting on the ground next to a tree and sobbing. He had a cut on his face and was bleeding pretty bad.

"F-Fuck.," Bill climbs back into the clubhouse, tears welling up in his eyes. Eddie follows him, "Bill-"

"H-He woke me up this m-m-morning and said th-that he was going to g-g-go home for a s-second. H-He said, 'Y-You can st-st-stay here, B-Bill.,' and I sh-sh-sh... fuck!"

"It's not your fault, Bill.," Eddie puts a hand on Bill's shoulder, "No one could've known that this was going to happen, okay?"

Bill sniffles, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

Mike helps Stan into the clubhouse, followed by the rest of the losers. Stan immediately goes to Bill and hugs him. Bill hugs him back, putting his hand on the back of Stan's head and holding him as close as possible. Stan nuzzles his face in Bill's neck. Bill didn't care that Stan was getting blood and tears all over his shoulder.

They make their way to the hammock and Stan sits down, Bill sitting on the other side and facing Stan.

"That looks pretty deep.," Eddie says as he begins digging in his fanny pack for something useful.

"So, what the hell happened?," Richie asks.

"He pushes me against a tree and cut my fucking face open.," Stan says, clenching his teeth because it hurt to move his face.

"Okay, Stan, I need you to be still for a second.," Eddie tells him. Stan gives Eddie a thumbs up. Eddie carefully cleans the blood off of Stan's cut. Bill grabs Stan's hand, and Stan squeezes Bill's hand.

Eddie puts a disinfectant liquid on it before stitching it up.

"You just keep this shit on you all the time?," Richie asks, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, what about it?," Eddie asks, carefully stitching Stan's face, "If I didn't, Stan would probably die."

"Don't be so dramatic, Eddie.," Beverly jokes, "It's just a cut."

Bill squeezes Stan's hand.

"Does that hurt?," Ben asks, "The stitches, I mean."

"Not as bad as getting my face cut open.," Stan says through his clenched teeth.

Eddie quickly finishes the stitches and tells Stan, "Make sure you clean it so it doesn't get infected. You can take them out in a few days." Eddie puts a bandage over the stitches.

"Thanks, Eddie.," Stan tells him.

"Damn, you're so smart, Eds.," Richie tells him, "Too bad you're dating me."

The losers laugh, except for Stan, who was only smiling because his face was hurting.

Bill and Eddie look at each other, remembering how Eddie said he loved Richie last night.

Eddie then turns around and wraps his arms around Richie's waist. Richie hugs Eddie back, resting his chin on top of Eddie's head.


Wow this story gets so many reads every day i'm surprised LMAO but thank you guys :)) It's already almost at 3k reads (and it has 90 votes <3) and it's 4 am as I'm writing this 💀 But yeah I'm glad you guys like it :,)

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