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"Damn it.,"

Stan sighs as he looks down at the blood on his light blue button up shirt., "My dad's going to kill me."

"Sure, Stan.," Richie says sarcastically, "He's going to be like, 'Stanley Uris! How dare you almost get killed in that shirt? Why didn't you wear something else today?'"

Stan laughs, shaking his head at Richie, "I'm serious! This is one of my nicest shirts."

"All of your shirts are your nicest shirt.," Richie jokes, "Your closet looks like a cartoon character's closet."

The losers laugh. Bill watches Stan laughing with them. The fact that Stan was still smiling after going through what he did amazed him. Stan was one of the strongest people Bill knew.

But, Bill still didn't want him to get hurt again. Yeah, they both liked each other, but maybe the timing wasn't right just yet. Bill didn't mind waiting until Stan was ready to try anything.

The losers continue talking and joking amongst themselves, and Stan looks at Bill, "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Y-Yeah.," Bill says, "I k-kind of have to t-t-tell you s-something, too."

"What is it?," Stan asks.

"N-No, you g-g-go first.," Bill tells Stan.

"Okay.," Stan holds both of Bill's hands, "I think that we may be moving too fast."

"I-I agree.," Bill says with a sigh of relief, "Th-That's what I was going to s-say."


Bill nods.

"Okay, I'm glad we're on the same page.," Stan softly smiles at Bill.

Although they didn't show it, they were both a little upset. They liked each other a lot, but they were young and didn't want each other to get hurt.

Richie and Eddie, however, were the complete opposite.

"Hey, Eds.," Richie asks Eddie. Eddie had been sitting in Richie's lap on the floor.

Eddie turns his head enough to see Richie's face, "Yeah, Richie?"

"I... Nevermind.," Richie sighs, "I'm going to sound crazy."

"I love you, too.," Eddie smiles at him.

Richie smiles and kisses Eddie.


Hey :) thank u guys for 3k reads <3 sorry for the short chapter but i think it turned out kind of cute tbh 💀

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