Those Green Eyes

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Child of Silence

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 1 "Those green Eyes"

Bucky was tired from the long flight after a successful mission. He missed the big battle in New York as well as Thor joining and Loki's reluctant joining of the Avengers. The All Father thought the best punishment for Loki was to help repair the mess he made by allowing the Titan Thanos to take control of his mind. Steve promised to give him all the details later. Right now he was looking forward to a hot shower and crawling into a nice clean bed with his lover.

"Welcome back Snow Man weren't expecting you until tomorrow."

"Yeah, well I caught an earlier flight. Now, if you excuse me I need to shower before I can sleep for a week." The former HYDRA agent ignored the billionaire and continued on his way to his room.

"Mission went that bad?" Tony asked and received a glare for his question.

"What Mission ever goes according to plan?" before he could continue on his way two men came walking into the room drawing his attention.

"Brother, do not be so sour! I am sure that the Sorcerer Strange did not mean to forget you." a tall man with long blond hair wearing a blue tee-shirt a denim jacket and jeans smiled to the slightly shorter man with black shoulder length hair wearing a nice pressed suit all in black and black tie.

"Thor you are a trusting Buffoon. Every time we go to see that man I end up falling through space for what seems like an Eternity." Loki snapped at his elder brother, unaware they had an audience. His green eyes glowed with his irritation.

"Harry? No Impossible! You're dead." James shouted suddenly his mind was assaulted with memories that had been tightly suppressed.

"Buck!" Steve had just entered the penthouse when he saw his lover collapse screaming as if his head was about to explode. He rushed to his side unsure on how to help the tortured man.

"Loki go get the sorcerer I fear he has broke some spell upon him." Thor ordered as he went to help Steve restrain the man who was thrashing upon the floor.

"You maybe right I shall return, hopefully." And the God of mischief was gone in a blink of the eye.

"Jarvis call the team it's an emergency!"

"Already done sir. Dr Banner is bringing up a sedative."

"Good." Tony used his Iron Man gloved hands to hold Bucky's feet down, but the Super Soldier of Winter was a strong force to restrain.

"Hold him steady!" Bruce ran into with the syringe prep and ready.

"We got him just do it." Steve yelled. Banner wasted no time and injected the thrashing man in the neck it took but a minute to take affect but James was finally calm and fell into a deep sleep.

"What the hell happened?" Steve panted as he collapsed beside the sleeping man.

"I have no idea. He just got home we were just chatting when Point Break and Reindeer Games came in. He took one look at Loki and all hell broke loose." Tony said from his spot on the floor across from the Captain.

"He seems to have broken from a magical spell. My brother and I could feel the magic as it broke. The Sorcerer Strange should be able to tell us more about it when he has examined your friend." Thor explained as stood up from his spot.

"Indeed I shall. Sorry I took so long, I had to make sure Loki wasn't luring me here on false pretences." A tall figure said as he walked into the penthouse through an open portal.

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