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"Are you sure about this? Adrian is very fragile." Collin, My long-time friend, and Alpha of our sister pack mutters, resting his elbows on the desk between us, "Both emotionally and health-wise. He couldn't even handle you holding him last night.

"Only because I overwhelmed him. He's my mate."  And it's true... The beautiful and painfully shy omega resting down the hall from us right now is my mate... All soft raven tangles, creamy skin, and such striking blue eyes. Just as he had been overwhelmed by my touch I had been overwhelmed by him... Hence the grabbing him so roughly. It doesn't normally take a whole lot to push an Omega over the edge in either area Collin had thought to mention and as a fellow Alpha, I understand that.

The tiny wolves tended to be extremely sensitive, Especially at first contact with their mate. I'd expected him weepy and cuddly and ready to want me back... but instead, he had fainted in my arms.

I'd not be leaving without him today. Absolutely not. If Collin thinks he can talk me out of convincing that little vixen to let me whisk him off into the sunset he's wrong. I had had a hard enough time letting him go last night... Ohhhh the way he had squirmed... The sound he had made when I had pulled him into my lap was divine... I'll never forget it.

I had come over to Collin's for dinner, a once a month business meal where we poured over paperwork together and helped sort each other's shit before relaxing for a few hours before he and his Luna would send me home with a stack of to-go containers big enough to feed me for a week. Normally his pack would leave us be. They knew that as loving and gentle as Collin is with all of them I prefer not to be crowded. I wasn't exactly the friendliest, even with my own pack, but Collin liked to keep his pack close and situated all on top of one another in one big compound style home. For this one night a month, they would leave us be and eat amongst themselves while we took our dinner in his office.

Last night was different though... The intoxicatingly sweet scent of him had filled the air before a timid knock had sounded. I hadn't even been able to breathe when Collin had grunted for him to let himself in, and when the door slowly pushed open it had revealed the most perfect young man I had ever seen... Everything about him looked so soft and so in need of my touch...Everything from the top of his messy black curls to his cute little nose and pouty lips all the way to his fuzzy slipper clad feet was and still is mouthwatering and adorable in all the right ways.  I had wanted to eat him alive as he shifted nervously in the doorway.

"I know he's your mate but you still have a choice. And so does he."

I don't mean to let loose a growl at the thought, but I can't help it. I wouldn't be rejecting Adrian and he sure as hell isn't rejecting me. Not a chance.

"Don't growl at me in my own house, Silas. Just stating the obvious."

"He's my Luna and he's coming home with me today." I hadn't stood guard outside his room all damn night to leave without him today.  My need to be near him... To hold him and listen to those beautiful gasps over and over again is just too strong.

Collin sighs before running his palms over his face, "I can't believe I'm actually doing this. That we're even talking about this. Adrian and you? The sweet baby of my pack paired with the grumpy asshole next door? Makes no fucking sense."

"The Gods know better than we do what's best for us." And they had been spot-fucking-on this time.


A knock sounds on the door but only pulls me temporarily out of my sleepy haze... All I can manage is a grumble about not wanting breakfast before I turn onto my side and tug my heavy comforter up to guard my face from the early morning light streaming through the window. I hadn't been dreaming per se... Just replaying the events of last night over and over...

I had gone to see Alpha Collin for a dose of the migraine medication he holds for me... I knew his friend was visiting... He always did on the first Friday of every month. Normally when he's around I make myself as scarce as possible... He always oozes so much dominance that It makes it hard to breathe, hard to function in general... But the throbbing behind my temples had driven me to action. I couldn't avoid interrupting the meal that the two Alpha's share... I needed to trust that Collin wouldn't let the neighboring Alpha intimidate or hurt me on purpose, no matter how important whatever today's meeting is about. I had no reason to think either Alpha would harm me for doing as told... I had been instructed to always go to Alpha Collin when I needed to for medicine, and medicine I had needed. The headache had started warping my vision and I knew there would be punishment involved if I didn't take care of myself. It was our deal.

I hear the door slide open but can't acknowledge it as my eyes flutter shut of their own accord and I burrow deeper into my cocoon as the memory plays itself again.




My little angel just barely stirs when I let myself in after knocking. He just buries that pretty face of his into the lucky pillow supporting his precious noggin while pulling the thick pale blue comforter around himself with an adorable whine.

I take the liberty of sitting on the edge of his bed, careful not to wake him up, and let my eyes wander over his slumbering form. Everything about him seems so absolutely perfect... Right down to the seemingly natural rosy tone of his cheeks.

How had I never noticed him before? It seems impossible that those pouty lips and delicate features could have evaded my attention until last night when his scent was so alluring. How had I been visiting Collin once a month for the last year and a half and never noticed that my mate was sitting right under my nose? He smelled like old books and coffee, sure, but in a way that was more comforting than anything else. It had made me so hyper-focused trying to take him in all at once last night that I had dropped just enough control for my wolf to push through and nearly crush our precious one to death in excitement.  It had taken both Collin and three of his strongest pack members to get me to release Adrian after he had fainted and they had had to literally pry him out of my arms.

I know that everyone always says first reactions are the strongest but staring at him while he so sweetly mumbles in his sleep I would have to argue against the old saying. The more I stare the stronger the pull is. I'm highly aware that I should wake him up and have our first real conversation...that he should be packing a bag but all I want is to have him in my arms again, and for him to stay there this time. Against my better judgment, I find myself climbing further onto the soft mattress and sliding under his covers.

All it takes is the brush of my chest against his back to have him rolling over, his sleepy eyes blinking at me in a daze before scooting closer and nuzzling into me for a cuddle before nodding off again, this time right where he belongs. In my arms.

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