Ninety Seven

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"Hey..." A kiss to my temple brings me back to the present, and I have to blink until I can focus on Daddy's smile and swallow the last bite of sandwich that had been pushed into my cheek while chewing.

"And that is why his nickname is Chipmunk. He gets so lost in his head sometimes that he forgets to go ahead and swallow." Grammy's chuckle brings a flush to my cheeks as I reach for the glass of sweet tea that I'm hoping is Silas's to steal a swig from it and relish the sweetness that washes over my tongue and further serves in pulling me out of my own inner thoughts.

The hand splayed on my belly gives a gentle flex that sends my butterflies a flutter, a deep chuckle reverberating into me from the solid chest I'm leaning against while a few more tender kisses get pressed to my temple and the side of my face.

"You know, I've seen my Sweet Pea zone out while munching before and never put the two together?" The words are gentle but make my face feel even hotter.

I had caught myself zoning out now and then but I hadn't realized that it was something that Silas had picked up on. He certainly never mentioned it to me that he's noticed it. Mostly it's when I get caught on a word or a sentence in one of my books that I need to figure out mentally before I can continue reading... And other times it's imagining myself in one of the many stories I subject myself to in order to escape whatever feelings are overwhelming me at the moment... In this case the melancholy over not testing positive for a love nugget of mine and Silas's making.

Sometimes I don't notice when I get off track... And sometimes the daydreams consume me so completely that I forget what I should be doing... Like chewing... And swallowing.


My beautiful bean flushes so vibrantly over having the adorable habit I had noticed in the few weeks he had been here... It's not something I typically would call to his attention, but with Agatha here I didn't have to.

I've been privy to what floats in and out of his gorgeous mind, never locked out or shied away from and it was never any different when he daydreams or gets lost in his thoughts over a word. Sometimes I let myself watch, my wolf and I both fawning over the precious link that connects us to our mate as he imagines himself a damsel in distress being rescued by a handsome King or on the back of some nobleman's horse... The leading men in his waking dreams looking an awful lot like yours truly. 

My Princess gets a little fidgety in my lap as he adjusts and readjusts after stealing a few sips of the sugary tea Agatha had poured for all of us.

She had quickly made herself at home in our kitchen and it seems so in character for her that I don't even blink at the sight of her wiping down counters and acting the part of what a Grandmother should be when their grandchild is having a bad day.


Not something I would have thought Agatha capable of after my abrasive first impression of her, but something she seems to be putting in extra effort to accomplish today. 

I think back to the odd conversation that she and my cream puff had had when they were still trying to keep news of the possible baby from me and it suddenly clicks.

She had changed her tune when she thought Adrian might need her support... When she imagined becoming a great-grandmother she had swallowed her pride and put on a sweet face and newfound respect blooms inside of me for her.

This is what a parent is supposed to do.

They're supposed to show up.


It's hard not to notice when Silas holds me just a little bit tighter, the hand that had been holding his fork abandoning its place resting on the table as well as its utensil and joining his other hand on my belly for a moment before they both pull out from under my sweater so he can wrap me in a hug that makes me feel so incredibly safe that it brings tears to my eyes.

I can feel his boiling emotions just underneath the surface of our connection. He normally does what he can to keep a barrier up between us so I don't stress out and experience information overload... The same reason why he shields me so thoroughly from the pack link. But at the moment I can feel the hum of his emotional upset buzzing around just on the other side of his carefully crafted wall.

It makes guilt pool in the bottom of my stomach to know that I've caused such an emotional upset in my normally calm mate... If only Silas hadn't been working me towards being comfortable calling him Daddy no matter where we are I wouldn't have slipped up in front of Grammy and she wouldn't have let the secret slip...

But it's too late to go back now. I had gotten his hopes up and now he's disappointed. Maybe even more than I am.


'Daddy...' The prodding is gentle and sweet as my Addy-Baby pokes at our mental connection, unable to say the word out loud in front of his grandmother unless we both wanted to answer a lot of questions that the nosey old woman will, of course, have if Adrian's thoughts about her are accurate and not just tinged by his hatred of confrontation.

I give my Sweet Boy a fond nuzzle to his neck to let him know he has my attention and love the sweet gasp I receive when I give a gentle nip to one of his many marks.

"Do you... When everybody leaves do you maybe want to go for a run? Both of us? Or... Or it can be just you if you need it to be. I'll be okay- I promise." The words are so watery even though I feel the iron clad resolve clenched into a firm ball in the seat of his stomach... Though that might just be the cheesy monstrosity of a sandwich he just finished.

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