Thirty Two

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Silas swallows so hard I can hear it, but he speaks before I have time to be self-conscious of my wolf's decision to try and communicate what we need in a roundabout way, "What...What are you doing, Baby?"

His voice is two octaves lower and thicker than pancake batter as the spicy notes in his scent flare to life, his breathing ragged in my ears. It's so frustrating not to have control over my mouth...Not to have control over anything...

I just want him to...

I need him to...

With no other options, I force a short burst of a growl past my lips, my eyes nearly rolling back in my head when the aura of Silas's beast leaks into the room, dominance and all. A warning growl rumbles deep into the air while his hand flexes around my throat making my own hands twist against the comforter looking for suitable spots to hang on to.

The room falls silent but for two sets of ragged heavy breathing but the warning growl hadn't been enough... I still feel the static building under my skin... Everything starting to feel a little too scratchy, not soft enough for my hypersensitivity at the moment. The warning hadn't been enough... Not demanding enough... Not domineering enough...

I feel like I need him to shake me deep down in my bones in order for my skin to stop crawling... I just want to feel calm again... I want my safe, happy feelings back.


Adrian whines and arches his back off the bed in a way that makes more blood than can actually be good for my health to rush downwards towards my now painful erection before growling at me again, sharp and loud this time.

My wolf forces a return growl into the air, louder this time with slight irritation over not being obeyed the first time and then it hits me when I catch his mouth form a silent Yes! as I let my aura bear down on him only slightly...

"Is this what you want? Hmm?" My voice is low, hard...and needy as I let more and more of my dominance slip into the air, the growls leaking from my chest only fractionally louder while I grit my teeth at the sight of him...yes...He's still anxious... But he's also creamy...pale...perfect and trembling under the weight of my palm. He won't meet my eyes and the effort makes his thick black lashes quiver like there are no tomorrow, his lovely kiss swollen lips being lapped at by a pretty pink tongue making them glossy.

My sweet angel frantically nods his head against the pillow, his eyes clamped shut as he starts to tremble under the comfortable weight of my hand wrapped around his throat...

My sweet sweet boy wants me to...


Needs me to dominate him...

I knew his submission to me earlier hadn't just been one-sided, but I hadn't given thought to whether or not my sexy angel had actually enjoyed it....that maybe he'd want to replay the situation... Or rather he needs to in order to calm down. I don't know if it's just because he's just so close so his wolf that the submissive instinctive nature bleeds through to his human half or if he really is just this damn delightful but it's much too thrilling to even remotely try to deny him.

I don't have to force the growls out, they pour from my chest like water only to drown the beautiful boy underneath my palm, his beautiful belly offered to me, bare chest flushed and rosy... His nipples beaded and straining as his thighs clench and rub together.


The tone in the room changes once my mate understands my need... His aura blankets the room thicker than fog and leaves me in a delicious sense of breathlessness.... his fingers flexing around my throat as if itching to tighten... his growls stripping the very flesh off my bones and rearranging it so it finally lays correctly. Growl after growl filling the air until they rattle the windows, only an octave away from making them shatter. Every fiber on my being becoming too buzzed with the loss of control to be anxious... too caught up in the spiral that is Silas... To be forced back into the familiar and comforting headspace where I belong. It's dark and cozy and filled with only Silas.

I can feel his free hand roaming up and down my body, leaving hot trails of pleasure in its wake... And still keeping to only my upper half, for the most part, his fingers grazing the flesh of my lower belly as he follows the curve of the pants that are already slung low on my waist.

I'm not anxious any longer but I don't want him to stop...I don't want the feeling to stop, my mates growl vibrating the bed and melting into my very soul as he turns my insides to mush.

"Look at me."

Unable to ignore the command even while melting deeper and deeper into myself my eyes pop open, choosing to focus on the elbow of the arm attached to the hand currently curled ever so gently around my jugular.

Upon checking that my eyes had indeed faded back to my normal hue the growls filling the air are replacing by an overstimulated silence, the hand around my throat giving one last flex before trying to pull away.


Pale hands latch onto my arm and keep it in place, not letting me release his gorgeous throat even though the disappearance of his wolf has signaled his anxiety is, if not gone, manageable.


That succulent bottom lip of his gets sucked back into his mouth to be chewed on, his stunning eyes lowering from their spot on my arm as needy whimper leaks from the back of his throat.

It had been a true test of self-restraint not to ravage him upon his request to be dominated, but he had trusted me enough to admit he needed it and I need to respect the limits he set out for me.

He's so hard to resist with his dazed and needy expression, his body limp with bliss as his silky thumbs start to rub into my skin as light caresses, his breathing light and even as he holds my hand to his slender throat, a needy whimper filling the air when I try once again to pull away.

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