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As the day goes on Silas seems to be able to relax more and more and settle back into the peaceful groove we had been in before yesterday afternoon, his affection towards me still super careful, but it seems to be getting easier to him... I think he's finally starting to trust himself more even though he's still a little nervous that he might hurt me. 

It had come to light last night that his strength had been a problem more than once when growing up, his wolf getting frustrated and pushing forward to lash out when he had been going through puberty, and no one had bothered really helping him learn how to handle it other than Becky when she was old enough to tell their parents that she would rather live with him in a stable home than one where their parents were so back and forth with each other... And hurting me on accident had mentally taken him right back to when he used to accidentally snap at his little sister... Because even back then he was a big softie on the inside, and hurting people isn't something he actually enjoys doing...

Something else he isn't currently doing? Trying to figure out just which end of the sheep stomach we're supposed to stuff so he can get the opening in position for him to scrape the different very authentic smelling ingredients into it from the heavy old school mixing bowl we had managed to locate. 




I want to throw up my hands in frustration over trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do if I accidentally sew both ends closed with the twine and needle that had been sitting in the pantry waiting for us to find, but I'm worried that I'll accidentally end up getting some of the mess that is currently clinging to my fingers on the ceiling. The recipe that Casper had scrawled down for me on notebook paper apparently one he had learned himself during his travels... Though I am starting to understand why I've never heard him talking about making it with how slippery and difficult the sheep's stomach is in my hands... Eventually, I have to admit defeat when I realize that my suspicions are correct and I have sewn the stupid thing completely shut pre-stuffing. 

It's all the reassurance I need to grab one of the multiple hand rags that seem oddly abundant... Almost as though Cassie knew I would end up making a giant mess out of this kitchen because it's massive and there are way too many ingredients that are apart of this dinner, including the stuff for the haggis... And turn to my sweet Princess with a smile and say, "I gave it my best shot, Hot Stuff. How about we just order a pizza and have it delivered... I bet the delivery guy will freak out when he pulls up to see a castle instead of the house."




The way Daddy delivers his suggestion makes me snort, no sweet talk needed to convince me that an extra-large pepperoni and olive pizza with the stuffed crust is the right decision to go with over what I strongly feel might be the first thing I have seen Daddy unable to actually make... All of the other recipes we had explored together so far at least semi-successful with him at the helm with me kind of sort of by his side as his ever-faithful taste tester, "Do you want me to order it?"

I know I don't actually have to ask, I'm normally the one who takes care of ordering food so Daddy doesn't have the chance to get riled up and surly talking to someone outside of our little social circle if the website is down... My big grumpy Papa wolf may not play well with strangers, but he plays nice with me so that's fine by me.

"Sure... Garlic bread and cola?" The smile I get as I reach for my phone that had finally been located hidden in Flinn's dresser along with Daddy's our chargers, Daddy's wallet, and a power strip whose cord had disappeared through the back of the drawer. The setup had been easy to find and it was thoughtful of our friends to think to put our phones on the charger while keeping them out of sight to maintain the accuracy of my fantasy, "And promise me that eating pizza in bed with me won't ruin the illusion?"

I can't help but roll my eyes at the mere suggestion that snuggling up in front of the fire with good food and Daddy wrapped around me could be anything less than the perfect ending to what had been a really really good day, "If you don't cuddle me soon I'm going to explode and you'll have to clean it up along with the stuff for the haggis. Of course it won't ruin anything, Daddy...And I'm ordering triple cheese with light sauce because I'm pretty sure Gino's added ground-up anchovies to their sauce and I am not sure how I feel about it yet... And how do we feel about a slice of chocolate cake to share?"




I don't think I'll ever get tired of how sweet my Bean is with his rosey cheeks, enthusiasm for cheese, and love of chocolate, and all I can think as he answers his own question with, "We feel great about it... That's how we feel..." as he stares down at his phone and puts together our dinner online is how absolutely perfect he really is...

And it's all I can do to wipe as much of the grime off of my hands as best I can with the rags I can before tossing them onto the counter so I can scoop my Baby up out of his chair and pull him until his back is against my chest, my hands being shoved under his borrowed shirt so I can settle them over my happy place... His sweet belly feeling warmer than ever under the feel of my palms as he finishes checking out online, quiet giggles joining us in the room as I flex my fingers over his soft flesh... As I feel the extra thickness he had spoken of the other day... The way his lower belly is starting to fill out with all of the good food and loving we share and I can't help but wonder when the clinic is going to call us with the results of the blood samples they had drawn to tell us whether or not the at-home pregnancy test was wrong and it makes me wonder whether or not we should maybe take another one, something we were going to put off doing just yet because of how upsetting it was when the first one was negative... 

But his belly... My Sweet Baby... 

**The prologue of The Highlander's Charm is up, and there will be more chapters up soon- at least one of them tonight.

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