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"Oh, my Gods- Was- Are those real chickens?" I still can't believe the change of scenery that's taken place, Daddy guiding me by the hand down a spiraling staircase leading to a downstairs that we don't even have, the rendering of our home into a perfect recreation of the castle nestled within my favorite pages completed with the roost of chickens I see pecking the dirt through one of the long rectangular windows that dot our descent. 

Silas does nothing more than chuckle and nod his head as he guides us, his knowledge of this new territory making my heart sing because it shows he paid attention to what was written and didn't just agree to read it because it would make me happy...

The surprises don't stop at poultry though, the rest of the house downstairs just as beautifully decorated with floral arrangements that make me want to cry they're so pretty and authentic touches, none of our normal furniture or any traces of modern life detectable, the only thing wrapped around my body being a tartan blanket and my comfy day undies as he leads me into our reimagined kitchen...


"I...Daddy..." I can hear the tears in my Sweet Baby's voice as he gathers himself up and pushes himself into my arms, the happiness flowing so freely from him I can't help but smile. I know that this doesn't make up for everything... But it's a start.

"Do you like it, Princess?" I know he does, but, "If something isn't right let me know and we can do it over or fix it, okay..."

I need everything to be perfect... I hope he think's everything is perfect otherwise I may have just ruined the mental image he has of his favorite book...

"I love it... I love you, Daddy... Thank you..." His words are muffled as he whimpers them into my chest, the weight of them knocking away some of the anxiety that I've been trying to keep choked down all morning, the watery giggle that comes out of him after one that makes me want to kiss him until neither one of us can breathe until he pulls his face out of my chest in order to continue, "I'm just a little sad that we can't have sex right now... Seeing all of this makes me wonder if maybe next time we can recreate the pantry scene? You know... The one where Flinn goes into his first heat and Emory finds him hiding in the pantry and they break that sack of flour?"


"I love you too, Baby... I..I didn't know that that was something you'd be interested in..." It's hard not to chuckle at how hard my words cause Daddy to swallow, his tongue snaking out to swipe at his lips as he stares down at me with a familiar wanting in his eyes... A look that tells me that maybe he too is a little upset at the lack of oral affection between us this morning now that I've finally been bold enough to return the favor. 

It's too early in the morning and there is a distinct lack of coffee in my system... The perfect combination for the filter that usually is in control of my mouth to fall away and announce, "That scene is my favorite. That chapter is the first one I ever touched myself to."

Silas chokes, but on what I have no idea, my own mind to focused on the horror of what I've let slip and just how rapidly heat fills my cheeks to check on him, his arm tightening around my waist when I try and pull away to flee, all of Flinn's favorite hiding places coming to mind to shelter me, the low growl that erupts from my mate being cut short by his own efforts, a soft kiss being pressed into my hair as he steadies himself, "I...I would love to make that fantasy come true, Baby... We just can't do it right now..."

I know we can't do it right now... But that doesn't mean I don't currently want to, even if my bottom is still kind of sore from yesterday... Just thinking about Daddy growling at me and cornering me in the darkened depths of the pantry described in The Highlander's Charm makes me throb just a tiny bit...The thought of his hands pushing me up against the shelving and having his way with me...Marking me... The thought of it fills me with a wanting that threatens to consume me... Just enough to make me wish that maybe with a little effort I could convince Silas to do something about it... But I know that he won't... He's too serious about my health to even look down there when helping me step into my underwear right now... When we were talking last night on the back porch he had told me that if I'm okay with it he would rather wait to play until I'm completely healed... That right now the thought of touching me anywhere near the tear other than to help me apply the cream we had been given makes him nervous and that he needs a little time to get past it because hurting me had really shaken him, even if it was unintentional... And even though I might get a little grumpy going from sex whenever I want it back down to not making love every time I feel needy I understand that I was not the only one freaked out yesterday, and I had told him just as much and that, of course, it was okay if we wait to be physically intimate until after I'm healed. 

"For now, how about breakfast? Casper guarantees that the switches he's made to the food are accurate, though I don't know how I feel about the haggis he mentioned. I don't think the recipe he gave me is right..." Silas steals a kiss from me before he changes the subject and walks me to the kitchen table that has replaced our small little two-seater, "But luckily bacon and eggs are something accurate that I actually know how to make, so how about runny yolks and crispy strips? And then afterward we can poke around and explore? Sound good, Princess?"

Just like how much we love each other and the life we've started to build, "It's perfect, Daddy."

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