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"I love you, Princess... I love you so much... You are so special and precious and I don't know how I ever lived without you, Baby..." Daddy is so sweet as he whispers in my ear, his hold on me in his lap tight enough to make it almost hard to breathe but in the best way possible as I let myself be snuggled within an inch of my life, my arms barely able to hug him back with his boa constructed arms smushing me against him so tightly.

"I love you too, Daddy... I know you love me... I promise I do..." And I love how much he loves the child we still haven't conceived yet, "I'm okay... I promise." It's much easier to accept the negative test results when half of our family isn't sitting in the living room waiting for us to deliver good news.

It still stings just a tiny bit, but its easier to swallow the knot that's trying to form in my throat with Silas holding onto me and pressing dozens of gentle kisses all over my face as he tries to comfort the ache he knows I'm feeling... The ache I know he's feeling too.

"Maybe... Maybe we should try another one this time and do two of them." Silas's voice is so earnest as he presses his face into my shoulder just as the doorbell rings signaling that either the food is here or that Liam is here and his keys don't work because of just how much the house has changed thanks to the charms that are slowly starting to fade.


"Daddy... The clinic should be calling any day with the blood test... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take another one, but if that one comes back negative would it be okay for us to wait for the clinic's call?" The way my sweet Baby bats his eyelashes at me I can't even imagine telling him no, not that I would have told him no in the first place...

"We can do whatever you want, Baby Boy... But we do need to go answer that." I have to talk over the second ringing of the doorbell as my Addy-Baby retrieves his blanket from beside us where it's been draped over the side of the tub and he takes no time pulling away from me in order to wrap it around his shoulders to hide the fact that he's not wearing any pants before he turns and smiles at me over his shoulder before wiggling to signal that he's ready to come downstairs with me and starts leading the way before I've even pulled myself up from the edge of the tub.

All I can think about as we make our way down the staircase that seems to suddenly be much shorter as the house starts to sink back down to only one level is how the fuck the test came back negative when...look at him... Even the way he walks has changed just a little bit.

It makes no sense that all of these little changes are happening to my Love Bug without an actual bun being in his oven... When all the signs actually point to his belly being full of baked goods that we've made together.

By the time we make it to the front door, I still can't make the connection happen in my brain between the negative test result and the glow radiating from my Sweetheart as he takes a step back in order to let me open the door and keep himself safe just like he should be, the mystified face of the delivery boy greeting us as he stutters our order back to me before handing me the receipt to sign, a tip being left that matches the current look of our home, his eyes going even wider when he glances down at it before handing me the food and bottle of cola my Bean Sprout had thought to order.

He gives us a cheerful goodbye and doesn't try to make any small talk or pleasant conversation other than an enthusiastic thank you before he practically sprints back to his car, waving at us as we step back and let the door swing shut, my Sweetheart smiling at me when I turn around with the cheesiest of happy grins on his face.

"I saw that, Daddy. That was a nice thing you did there." His voice is full of approval as he steps up and tugs the container holding the slice of cake and the box of breadsticks off the top of the pizza box and starts to carry them for me as we head back up the stairs, both of us hoping to lay in bed and munch on everything while we're still stuck in mid-century Scotland to enjoy the larger fireplace and the smell of the highlands as it wafts in through the open windows.


"You know if you keep tipping like that you just might change your reputation in town, you know..." Not that it hasn't changed already the moment that he decided to love me. I softened him in all of the right ways, his temper always held in check whenever I'm in the room, even on the conference calls with other Alphas that I know drive him absolutely nuts...

"What can I say? I don't mind people thinking I'm soft... Just as long as they don't start inviting themselves over like Grammy did yesterday." Silas chuckles as he abandons the pizza and cola on the bed before tugging away the extra treats that would turn this semi-romantic fully-cheesed dinner to set them next to the main course before taking a moment to light a fire in the fireplace and then pulls me into his arms with a reverence that I don't think I'll ever get used to while we listen to the flames start to pop and crackle as they jump to life...

Before we move on to the pizza Daddy sees to it that we both share the most delicious appetizer... A sampling of each others lips served with an amuse-bouche of gentle growls and quiet whimpers that slowly melt into a solid embrace before Daddy tugs me onto the bed with him, the two of us taking a moment to cuddle before pulling the food closer to us, both of us quiet as we think about our after-dinner activity, a gentle game of fond nuzzles happening between our minds as we chew thoughtfully, careful sips of soda happening more often than they usually would on my part so that my bladder will be nice and full when we finally finish and are ready to head back into the bathroom for test number two.

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