Ninety Three

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After what seems like a very thorough but patient scolding my sweet bean disconnects the call he's on with a sheepish smile as his eyes dart as far to my face as he dares before shuffling his way a little closer to me with news that makes my stomach does somersaults, "Quinn apologized. Also, he said that he can go get Cassie and come over now instead of later. He already has the...the stuff."

The woman who's been responsible for raising the love of my life sits behind us with an unstoppable smile on her face as she watches her shy grandson nuzzle into me for a moment.

"Grammy, I don't know if we ever said it out loud, but yes. You can stay as long as you stay on your best behavior." the words are muffled as my sweet baby speaks through my shoulder instead of lifting his head away from our embrace, "I mean it though. No making anyone cry. And no snooping! Our bedroom is off-limits."

Damn right it is. And not just because we both know the room itself still smells like sex from enjoying each other's bodies this morning. No matter how long or how often my gorgeous sweetheart reads with the windows thrown open to balance out the heat from the fireplace he loves having me light for him traces of our lovemaking will always linger in the air as a reminder of just how harmonious our love for each other really is even when boiled down to the most basic of things.

Our bedroom is just the place we both cherish the most because the time we spend there is private and not meant to be shared with others. Its where we cuddle and be intimate... Where we whisper to each other in the dark while listening to the crickets chirp outside. It's the warmest place in our home and its kept as a secret just between us and sometimes Liam when he drops off breakfast or has a bone to pick with me that simply cannot wait.


The anxiety that's weighing so heavily in my chest eases up some as I do my best to focus on the way Silas's hands feel as they run up and down my back in a soothing pattern.

"I won't be nosey, Chipmunk. I'm just glad I get to stay... But does that mean that I don't get that tour you promised?" Grammy does her best to sound syrupy sweet and I know she must have an actual smile on her face and not the fake kind she reserves for people she doesn't like but had to be polite to.

Even if he gets on the road right now it will still be at least half an hour before Quinn and Casper actually get here, and I know for a fact that Silas isn't going to want to leave my side right now more than ever, especially with the way his hands keep taking turns sneaking to my front to palm my belly in between the long strokes he's gifting to my spine, "We can give you a tour, can't we, Silas?"

My mates give the most affectionate of grunts, lifting me and cradling me in his arms instead of setting me down on the cool hard tile. I don't mind not being allowed to walk at the moment with how weak my knees feel, but I also don't miss the chuckle that escapes my dear grandmother as she stands from the seat she had taken at the table to allow us a few moments to collect ourselves and to let me tear Quinn a new one about the definition of the word secret, and what it means when I tell him not to tell anyone. I let my hand weasel its way down Silas's broad chest and under his arm, and just like I had hoped for Grammy takes it and gives it a squeeze, interlocking our fingers as she follows closely behind us offering both affection and support in the form of gentle reassuring squeezes as Silas leads us down the hall to the living room making his own version of small talk via answering all of the questions Grammy can think of to fill the weighted silence that keeps trying to settle in the air.

"So was this part of the original house or did you add it on?"


"This was originally the master bedroom. I added onto it to make it a bit bigger before building on the other bedrooms", It's so hard to focus on Agatha, but I understand what she's trying to do. Being a mother herself she must understand the nerves that come with a day like today, especially having me discover the little plot he had come up with with Quinn and Casper, the three of them in for a stern scolding on trying to keep something so important from me once the dust settles and we know whether or not my beautiful mate is nurturing a life we made together deep inside his precious belly or whether or not we're about to start seriously trying to cause him to fall pregnant.

I didn't think he'd honestly hope for it to happen so soon... I'm not sure whether or not he's wanted this all along or if finally admitting to himself that a family is something he's always wanted has opened him up to being excited over the chance of an unplanned baby... Either way, it's wonderful. Everything in this moment feels wonderful.

We don't linger very long in the living room before showing Agatha the back porch and then into my study and the guest bedrooms after pointing out which bedroom is ours and where the bathroom is before making our way back to the living room in silence and hunkering down on the couch while Agatha takes the recliner pushed towards the corner of the room.

"So... Did you two start trying immediately or is this just a happy accident?"

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