Fifty Nine

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Nothing can ever erase the gentle caress of Silas's palms as he cups my face to hold me still in order to kiss me in the most wonderful of ways, the two of us stuck standing in the doorway after seeing the others off. According to Quinn and Casper, my Silas has been nicer today than he's been in a while, and I'm sure that in time I'll figure out exactly why he's so sour to what seems to be everyone but me, but just like with this kiss, there isn't a rush.

Things had turned awkward after Quinn's apology, and with no more of my boxes bogging down the back of Liam's car they excused themselves, but not before Casper gave us both a smile that had Silas barking at him to fix whatever he had messed with even though he hadn't been out of sight long enough to touch anything in the first place. The tension didn't last long, Casper getting scolded by Liam and then coddled by a sulking Quinn immediately afterward.

We had been assured that whatever mischief the man had managed had been undone, though how it got to so still escapes me. I try not to dwell on it and focus instead on the way it feels to have Silas slowly slip his hands down my body until they settle on my waist, the sound of Liam's car long faded into the distance leaving just the two of us basking in the rosey to feel of togetherness that comes with finally being alone together.

I'll never grow tired of the way he can't seem to resist pressing me up against the doorframe to keep me still... The sweet pecks he places on my cheeks... And my nose. And my forehead before landing back on my mouth only to suck my bottom lip into his mouth to nibble on it for a moment before releasing it and delving back into my mouth in a way that makes me sigh and lift my own hands to cling to his wrists, hanging on while time continues to flow around us.

"Welcome home, Sweetheart..." It's just barely a whisper of a whisper against my lips, but the words make my heart do little flips in my chest.

I've technically been home since last night, but I know what he means. I am home now, and so are all of my books. There's no going back, not that I even want to. All of my things are here, and my mate can't seem to get his fill of sweet nothings and tender moments shared just between the two of us.


If I could live off of just the sweetness oozing from every pore of my Adrian I'd be fat and happy. Everything about him strips away all of the unsettled feelings I normally have burning just underneath my surface... His scent is an anchor that keeps me grounded and his soft touches a soothing siren song that draws me in every time his fingertips brush my skin.

With Adrian around everything feels so calm... I feel so calm. And now all of his things are here and we can unpack them together... I can't wait to make room for him here with how perfectly he seems to already fit. Something about his sweet nature soothes me...

I had never wanted to look for my mate... I had never felt the urge to go out of my way to find him and I will spend every day regretting not finding my sweetheart sooner. I didn't go looking for him to try and avoid ending up like my parents... But with his the way his lips taste pressed against mine, I know that that will never happen. There would be no long runs without my angel by my side... No leaving him behind to disappear for days...

I can't even stand to look at him in the soft afternoon sunlight without needing to kiss him and hold him...

Normally after having people over I throw all the windows open and run for a few weeks... Just long enough for the feeling of their intrusion to fade enough for me to be comfortable again, but this time there is no unease, just excitement at the thought of finally being alone again... Free to touch without being watched, no audience to make my angel feel self-conscious... Just me, my sweet boy... And all of his books.


I'm only given a chance to catch my breath so Silas can nuzzle as deeply as humanly possible into the crook of my neck, the kisses pressed against my numerous marks breathtakingly tender.

"Babbby..." Silas groans into my flesh, his arms tightening around my waist and pulling me up and against his chest, my legs wrapping around his well-muscled waist so he can whisk us inside, using the back of his foot to kick the door shut, "You're home!  Do you realize that?" his voice turns thick as he spins us lazily towards the couch. I get tossed onto the cushions carefully and playfully before sliding to his knees and   nuzzling his face into my belly and resting there, "This is home now..."

Silas says the words like he still can't believe them, not complaining when my hands find the long strands of his hair and start to card through them offering comfort as we both digest his statement...

I know he's talking about the house, but I can't help picking up his double meaning. He's talking about me and the sentiment is enough to bring silent tears to my eyes as we do nothing but caress each other and bask in the warmth of each other's company in this odd cuddle.


I stay curled around my sweet baby listening to the quiet gurgles of his body until my knees hurt before finally pulling myself out of the awkward kneeling position only to find the most peaceful of smiles stretched across my sweet boy's lips, his lashes dewy and quivering as he clenches them tightly shut to try and hold back his happy tears while he continues to stroke my hair before letting his hands slide to cheeks and tug me forward for a gentle kiss before he agrees with me, "I'm home now, Daddy..."

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