Ninety Nine

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Deep down part of me always knew that Daddy's wolf would be on the larger size... His human form is so tall and muscular that it would only make sense... But no part of my mind is prepared to process what I see after what I can only label as the most graceful shift I've ever had the privilege to witness...

His transition had been so smooth, leaning forward after following me outside, not so much as a groan as his body stretched and changed as the beast that resides so calmly within him takes control... The beast that is currently towering over me, his heavy head nudging me.

He's bigger than even Collin... Than any wolf, I've ever seen...

If he were to straighten up right now I would have to crane my neck to see his wolf's handsome face, their thick chestnut fur glinting in the sunlight as I truly take in the magnificence that is my strong, proud mate as he stands before me in all his glory.


My wolf is more than happy to wait on my sweet bean, more patient than he's ever been with me or anyone else for that matter. Not that I'm complaining... The pushy beast had been itching to be let out to explore our adorable mate and his inner wolf.

It's fascinating currently being the one on the inside looking out as my wolf takes his time doling out affection to our loved one... Licking and nipping and nuzzling away at the soft body in front of us, reveling in the beauty of the gentle laughter that greets our ears... Even my wolf knows that our sweet Princess can receive soft touches only... No bullying or romping around at the moment with our Angel still so unsettled over not having a baby resting in his tender belly. But that doesn't mean he can't lick a smile onto our bean's perfect face.

"Daddy you're so big..." The words filter through to me and make my wolf chuff with a dirty humor that makes me smile even trapped on the inside.

It occurs to me that I've never brought it to his attention that I'm a different breed than the everyday wolves that we try to avoid walking amongst whenever we have the chance and takes almost no effort at all to prod at our link, my wolf choosing to lap at our angel's cheek making him giggle while his fingers card themselves through my wolf's coat.


'Timberwolf.' Is the only elaboration I get from my sweet Silas as his wolf continues to lick my cheeks and huff in my ear, slowly becoming impatient at my lack of progress in joining him.

If it were anyone else I would straight up call them a liar... In my head... As I walked away from them... Timberwolves are a rarity not often found these days... Especially not tied down to a pack. The timber gene passed down from father to son results in massive wolves, typically with temperament issues and a serious desire to spend a majority of their time shifted and wandering the world as beasts coupled with a strong distaste for social interaction... In other words...

Silas right down to a tee.

It's not hard to believe him, especially knowing that before he found me Liam could almost never get him to stay home... And all the rumors of him being sour floating around North Pine. It's not because he's actually grumpy... Just that he's not meant to socialize like the rest of us are.

So much about him makes so much more sense now, though I'm not able to continue chewing it over in my mind as a cold wet nose nudges my cheek before I'm licked again, the sloppy affection drenching me in a fine coating of saliva. A gift from Daddy that I don't really want all over my face.

The only way to solve the little problem of Silas's wolf being ever so content to try and lick the very skin off of my face is to shift. Even though I know Daddy's seen me before I'm still self-conscious when I feel the familiar bending and snapping of bones start to take place in my body, my little black runt about four sizes too small to even pray to try and keep up with Silas's wolf if he were to really run.

As my hands hit the ground in the form of paws I just hope that I don't slow him down too much... Though with the playful nip that's gifted to my scruff as the late afternoon sunshine filters down through the trees to warm our fur I have a feeling that if I'm not able to keep his pace my loving mate wouldn't leave me... He might run circles around me... But he won't leave me.

For someone who's used to running alone and wanting to run alone, Daddy seems oddly playful, his wolf pawing at mine until he topples us over, his nose diving for my belly to huff and nibble all over me until he's examined my tummy enough to be satisfied with it, and with the fact that neither one of my halves try and take it away from him.

Unbeknownst to myself, my wolf's belly is just as sensitive as mine, and when Silas licks it I have to jerk and wiggle, yelping in place of the laugh that wants to bubble up through my wolf's vocal cords but can't.

The wiggle is all it takes to subdue Daddy, his huge beast looking smug and pleased as abandons my belly and moves to my back paws, taking the left one gingerly in his jowls without putting any true pressure on the sensitive ankle, tugging on me.

Daddy seems to favor nonverbal communication this way... Most likely just unused to having anyone to talk to while shifted since he spent so much time running alone... I don't mind.

One of the parts I hated about running with North Pine is that none of them know how to just be at peace with themselves... They can't silence their own inner monologue long enough to let the rest of us enjoy the activity...

While the knowledge does put my mind at ease that I won't have to worry about keeping up a conversation while just trying to plain keep up I doubt that the minor improvement will allow running to be something I suggest more than when I think Daddy needs it.

Either way, it doesn't prevent me from tugging my foot out of my silly Daddy's jaws and rolling over, crawling just far enough to not seem like I'm challenging his authority over me when I stand again since he's the one that put me on my back in the first place.

I expect him to take off running, and instead get a nudge to my side as Silas rubs himself against me before nipping at my ear.

Almost... Almost as if he's waiting...

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