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"I... I think I like doing this better when it's just us... It feels like there isn't as much pressure for it to be positive..." It isn't hard to aim when it comes to peeing on one of the many pregnancy tests we had stocked up on... Last time we had been in our bathroom like this it had looked a lot more like our bathroom and not a modern add on to the castle that had used things like chamber pots that Daddy had so kindly left off so we wouldn't have to worry about duping it because... Eww... Instead Cassie and Kore had changed the walls to match the other room and made it all look a whole lot more antique by changing the style of the toilet and also the sink and mirror. Last time we were in here my hands were also shaking so hard I could barely keep from peeing on myself much less aiming for the little tab.

When Daddy had asked me if I wanted to try doing another pregnancy test while we wait for the food to get here I was a little taken aback that he wanted to try again so soon instead of just waiting for my labs to come back... At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about it because it... it hurt when the first one came back negative... But he hadn't pushed me to do it... No... I knew that even if I had said no he would have still continued to hold me and rub my belly while pressing those tender kisses to my neck just under my ear...

No matter what happens I know Silas will always love me and that will never change.

No... The beautifully sweet man that loves me so much is just as eager as I am to know if we have a baby on the way and I find his excitement just as adorable as he finds mine... Which is why I agreed to take the chance of having my heart broken again by peeing on one of the many sticks that now live underneath our sink.


"There isn't any pressure for it to be positive, Sweetheart... I just thought we have some time before the delivery guy realizes that he does have the house... And maybe..." Maybe the few extra days is what his body needed to finally register that he's pregnant...

Because it looks like he is the more I stare at him... The more I watch the way he moves, his hands always wanting to touch and hold his belly right where I myself love laying my palms when we cuddle... I've not seen many pregnant omegas in my lifetime, but my little Princess seems to be filling out in a way that makes him look more and more like an earth mother... All thick and glowy...

"I know...But still... Last time I felt like I let everybody down because they were all here waiting and hoping... I don't think we should tell anyone this time until one comes back positive. Is that okay?" My Angel slips the cap back on the end of the stick after he finishes going pee and tucks himself back into the black underwear that always ends up making me drool because of how well clingy they are.

"Of course, Baby. When it comes to this we go by your rules, not mine." He takes a moment to set the test on the edge of the counter and smile at me before washing his hands and patting them dry on his borrowed shirt before he turns around to find me sitting on the edge of the claw foot bathtub that I had insisted the witch and warlock leave alone because of how much my Sweetie loves to soak in nice hot bubble baths, my unwillingness to accidentally compromise the tub he loves so much on the off chance that whatever charm that they cast might go wrong when it finally wears off.

Before I know it I have my Sweetheart nudging his way into my lap so he can perch and wrap himself up in my arms for a cuddle while we wait to find out if my suspicions are correct about the stunning way my sweet Addy-Baby is filling out, my palm immediately seeking out what I think might be the beginnings of a baby bump under his shirt.


"But what if I would rather go by your rules, Daddy?" I ask the question with a smile as I allow myself to melt into his warm hold, my lips finding the crook of his neck to deliver a kiss that turns into a fond nuzzle as his fingers gently flex themselves over my belly.

"Your body, your rules, Hun. Though I do appreciate it when you ask for my opinion on stuff like us having babies..." Silas sighs the word babies in a way that makes my heart flutter, the flock of butterflies that took up residence in my tummy when we met once again putting on a synchronized flight show in my belly as his lips find my forehead for a kiss that makes me just want to smother him in affection.

"I love you so much, Daddy... So So So So So much." I press the words into his flesh in a way that makes him growl at me and seek out my lips for a kiss that makes me want to drag him down to the pantry while we still have the one from The Highlander's Charm and convince him to fuck my mouth like he did yesterday morning right where Emory and Flinn made love for the first time... But I think I'll put off asking him if maybe he's a little more comfortable with the thought of being on the receiving end of a little oral affection as a thank you for such an amazing day until after the food gets here so we don't get interrupted by the doorbell... If we even have a doorbell right now...

"I love you too, Princess... Why don't you go grab the stick? It should be about ready by now, don't you think?"

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