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"Princess?" It seems like no matter how I poke and prod the cute little squirming bundle that is my sweet baby as he hides from me cocooned safely out of sight using the comforter as a shield to keep his beautiful body from my eyes.

"Daddy... I need you to go back to sleep, please! Or close your eyes for a few minutes!" Normally I'm all for playing hide and seek... But it's not something I necessarily want to jump into when just waking up.

"I don't want to go back to sleep, Bean Bun. What are you up to?" Other than being absolutely adorable, "Why don't you come out so Daddy can make sure you're okay?"

After having such a bad migraine yesterday I hadn't expected him to want to do any thing more than just staying cuddled up to me today while I try and organize the spot in the yard that my supplier normally drops off my lumber when it gets delivered, something that should be happening in the next day or two since I was able to order the rest of the supplies we need for adding on to the house after getting my Sweet Boy to fall back asleep last night.


I don't know how this could get any worse than it already is, Silas having woken up just as I was trying to figure out just what angle I should approach the member that looks every bit as big as it feels when it's buried deep inside of me.

I had only taken what felt like a few seconds trying to figure out how exactly to swallow him like he had done to me so many times before and hadn't been able to get past my fear of accidentally choking myself or worse... Afraid of doing it wrong.

No matter how many online articles I pulled up with my phone telling me to try practicing on cucumbers and popsicles I still hadn't felt confident enough in myself to just go for it like I had done shimmying into the all too exciting ruffles currently hugging my bottom.

... This leaves me in this situation, stuck between a cock and a hard place hiding from Daddy while wearing my new panties because in the moment of truth I have realized that I am not a brave Bean.

A fact that gets highlighted as I squeal louder than a crate full of baby guinea pigs as Silas grows tired of waiting for me to wiggle my way free of the blankets to properly say good morning to each other, his hands grabbing hold of and stripping away my soft shelter, but only enough to reveal my face to him, his lips curled up in a smile as he chuckles.


"I don't know what you're laughing at, Daddy, but it isn't funny!" I know I shouldn't laugh when something obviously isn't right with my beautiful Bean... But the exasperated look on his face after realizing that if I really wanted too I could pull the blanket completely off of him despite his best efforts to stay hidden away from me down near my thighs makes me crack up just a little.

"Well if it isn't funny... Why don't you tell me what exactly you're doing down there Little Mama?" I don't mean to use the word Mama out loud as one of the many affectionate nicknames I use for my beautiful Addy-Baby, but it just kind of slips out and causes the hardest flush I've seen yet to grace my Princess's cheeks.

Gone are the feelings of flustered indecisiveness and fear he was feeling just moments ago, a bloom of warmth savaging his tender belly as he presses his face into the sheets for a moment trying to calm the butterflies I've caused before mumbling into the mattress so softly I can't make out his words.


"I can't hear you, Princess... Come back out and talk to Daddy, please."

I now the groan I let out as I stop trying to smother myself isn't the answer Silas expects to hear but its the first answer I can give while I try and cool my cheeks off. Instead of getting impatient and demanding that I hurry up with my reiteration of the truth that I had just pushed into the mattress instead of saying it out loud, my sweet Daddy chooses instead to let his hand settle on top of my head, his fingers carding themselves through my hair as he waits for me to stop being so dramatic.

"I..." Just as I start to try and explain myself and my awkwardness, I finally then my head towards Daddy's thick thigh, a kiss needed before I can try and continue my explanation, "I was going to wake you up like you wake me up, Daddy... But for me to do that I need you to be asleep again."

If only long enough for me to through myself into the deepest hole I can find outside, my only request that these panties be burned over my grave so I can bring them with me into the afterlife... And to prevent anyone else from finding them when they divvy up my things.


My body seems to process my Angel's words before my brain does, the hard-on that hits settling like a brick between my legs practically weeping tears of joy at the thought of slipping past my Princess's pouty lips, the hand that had been so lightly playing with his hair struggling to stay relaxed through the sudden urge to grab a handful of my Baby's raven curls to bring his face right where it needs to be to make his little plan a reality.

"You-... Baby... I already told you that you don't need to wake me up with head... I'm happy just getting to wake up next to you every morning." The words are the hardest ones I've ever had to say to my Angel... Not that they aren't true... Just that my cock very much dislikes the thought of not getting to find out what the back of my Princess's throat feels like as he gags around it.

A.n.- so if any of you saw the original authors note on this chapter please pay no attention. Apparently WP just marks down 1 million as 1 thousand thousand until you hit 1.01 million! The last read count was not wrong. We hit 1 million reads you guys ❤

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