Seventy Nine

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My sweet princess gets breakfast ordered and spends a few minutes combing his delicate fingers through my hair working out the gentle knots that had formed while we were sleeping.

He's so gentle... And it's so soothing. If our stomachs weren't rumbling louder than my bike it would be so easy to be pulled back into another extremely peaceful sleep resting right here on Adrian's sweet belly dreaming of our future family and just how much fun we would have building it.

"So I have to call Liam?" Adrian's sigh is so sweet as he breaks our comfortable silence. I don't need to open my eyes to witness the smile on his beautiful face to know that it's there.


"It depends on whether or not you actually want him to bring the breakfast... Or if you want him to go get it and split it with Casper to try and teach me a lesson." Laughter backs my big man's voice, his tone amused as he presses his nose into my flesh to nuzzle me before pulling a long draw of my scent and reaching for his phone.

I love the chuckle I receive when I bat his lazy hand away as he goes around trying to retrieve the device, "I'd actually like to eat the French toast I ordered. It has berries on it."

Apparently, the only appropriate response to mentioning what will hopefully be a delightful mix of fresh fruit is to plant his lips right over my belly button and blowing a monstrous raspberry into my flesh making me squeal and try to push him off of me if only half-heartedly until he relents and lets me finally breathe again.

It takes no time at all to find Liam in Silas's phone, him being one of exactly 5 contacts actually saved with names instead of what seems like just random numbers or strings of letters like you would achieve from just swiping your thumb across your screen.

Part of it makes me sad... But it's also kind of a relief. I don't have many more friends than Silas does, and it means that neither one of us will end up overwhelming the other... Not if we're both the same level of antisocial.

I press the call icon next to Liam's name and try not to focus on the extremely unflattering picture of the unconscious beta, mouth hanging open in what must have been a snore.

One ring and I feel Silas slide his hand to my hip opposite the side of my body he's draped himself over, thumb stroking the sensitive skin making me tingle.

Two rings and Liam picks up with a curt "I'm not doing it." Before almost hanging up on me...

"Wait- It's me!" Clearly, Silas had been warned before, and it's hard not to laugh at the automatic response his beta has been conditioned to give upon answering a simple phone call this early in the day.

"Adri-Luna Adrian? Are you all alright? Is it- Is it breakfast? He wants breakfast doesn't he?" At first, Liam sounds panicked that it's me on the other end of the line, but then it must dawn on him that he probably wouldn't be the person I would think to call in case of an emergency still being so new to each other... The level of doneness that he ends on nearly has me in tears with how hard it is not to laugh.

'How many times have you made him pick up breakfast?' I float the question to my mate, to which he only grins and holds up his hand splaying all five fingers and wiggling them at me before resting his palm back on my heated skin, this time dangerously close to an area that had taken notice of the proximity of Silas's mouth and currently wanted a little attention from it... His mouth too busy giving me petite kisses to try and be naughty while I'm on the phone, his own laughter barely held in check.

"What if it's me? What if I want breakfast?"

"Has Silas shown you the trick to the stove?"

"No, D-Silas doesn't want me to use it."I get a sharp nip to my tummy when I catch myself instead of letting the word Daddy roll off my tongue the way it wants to, and I'm greeted with a narrowed set of eyes when I allow myself to glance down. I can't linger for very long, my instincts still not allowing full eye contact to happen between us for more than a few precious moments at a time... Daddy's just too dominant for my wolf to ignore... For any part of me to ignore.

I let my eyes pick a place on the wall, my action exposing more of my neck, the feel of his hand sliding itself up my body to rest on my collar bone instead of my throat itself much to my disappointment.

"Where'd you order from Bean Bun?"

Just like that Liam makes my whole morning, though it takes me a moment to double-check the name of the adorable cafe that I would need to ask Silas if we could maybe go to some time or other whenever he has time to take me on something other than his motorcycle. I give Liam the name and what all should be in the bag when he picks it up, ignoring the chuckle that leaks from Silas when I ask Liam to ask for extra syrup packets...


My sweetheart's sweet tooth is truly something to be admired... Maybe slightly feared. Listening to him ramble off the super sugary selections he had made makes my stomach churn... And makes me glad for the healthy snack rule I had put in place. I have to remind myself that he does seem to try and balance his nutrition out if his willing choice of salads is actually a choice and not a rule imposed by Collin or his Grammy to try and get him to eat better.

I decide to let the subject rest instead of picking it apart, other anatomical parts more interesting than his teeth starting to twitch as I let my lips start to linger where I press them against his flesh begging for my attention.

He'd been hard for most of our gentle interaction since laying down, but rather than calling attention to it or asking for relief he simply ignores it, his cheeks flushed and pupils dilated every time he manages to meet my eyes...

So good at waiting...

Hopefully, Liam will be too if pleasuring my gorgeous angel within an inch of his needy life delays me in answering the door when he eventually gets here with the food.

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