Forty Two

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My Adrian is so sweet all cuddled up and calm still settled on top of me. It seems almost too easy to slip him into his happy place...its almost too simple to satisfy us both... So dangerously addictive in the way he settles down, and I feel so honored that he's been letting me... That he trusts me. My sweet boy lays completely limp and content on top of me, his eyes closed while he nuzzles me with quiet happy sighs escaping him each time he scents me. So sweet he is letting me take care of him... Tending to each other, it seems, is something that calls to both of us... His version of it wanting to please me, mine wanted to take care of him and baby him... To spoil him with affection and all of the attention he could ever want... The thought of taking care of him while consistently slipping him back up where he belongs every time he starts to drop is unnecessarily arousing...

One hand rubbing the soft skin of his back I croon to him, nudging bite after small bite past his lips, carefully coaxing my sweet boy to finish his now cold breakfast while enjoying his headspace, avoiding the eggs and anything else slimy when cold.

Last night neither one of us had stayed awake to enjoy his stunning reaction to being marked... To being owned and cherished in the most basic and physical way possible... Its as though a heavy blanket of calm has wrapped itself around his entire being as he floats for me, barely aware of himself or his surroundings at the moment, just happy to be held and loved on while in such a vulnerable state... He knows he's safe, and with that knowledge, he relaxes into me... He lets himself completely melt because he knows I'll take care of him. I'll always take care of him.

Just as I let myself steal a kiss from my placid sweetheart after pushing a tart berry past his soft lips my phone chirps in my pocket much to my annoyance.

I do my best to ignore it, suckling his bottom lip only for a moment before moving to focus on kissing my way up to his cheek while he lazily chews his bite until I reach his ear.

"You know Daddy loves you, don't you, Baby?" I keep my voice low, not wanting anything to pull my darling down from his clouds, the effect ruined by another chirp of the phone in my pocket. Adrian fidgets a little bit, but only for a moment, calming when I press soft kisses to his new marks, nipping at the last of the three with just the tiniest bit of pressure to push him back in the right direction of well-being before pulling the annoying piece of technology out of my pocket and setting it to vibrate before tossing it on the bed next to the plate... Cursing that I can't just turn it completely off with Liam being away fetching my sweet boy's belongings. If it's really important whoever it is can call, if not, my Sweetheart is more important at the moment... He'd always be more important... Always...


This is what bliss feels like, so wrapped up and safe that I can't even move... I don't want to... Everything is just Silas... Just Daddy and tart fruit and sweet pancakes and wanting time to never move past this point. I could spend the rest of my life on the receiving end of soft touches and tender cuddles.

It's hard to navigate my fog enough to find actual words to answer Daddy as he cradles me so tenderly, but he seems content with my answer of a slow nod against the shoulder that smells so good... Dragging my nose up to the shallow mark I had managed to give my Daddy last night and press a lazy kiss to it. A kiss that earns me an appreciative squeeze.

Everything feels so right now... Everything is good... Everything feels nice... Everything tastes nice... Daddy slips me bite after bite of breakfast in between telling me how sweet I am... Telling me how much he loves me... Im a giant puddle of melted frosting, but I'm His big puddle of melted frosting... Im his baby... His sweet boy... His baby...

For once in my life, I can believe that I'm special... That every single romance novel hidden under my mattress is right and the shy nerd can end up with the perfect man... That being taken care of isn't too much to ask for... To hope for...

I don't notice the buzzing at first, too focused on the feel of Daddy's hand as he strokes my back, but soon it's too repetitive to ignore, the call slowly pulling me back down enough to start feeling restless and squirmy until it's answered with a very sharp, "What?"


"Are you fucking kidding me?" Liam's voice leaks through the phone. He sounds exaggerated and very short on patience when it comes to me at the moment... Why, though, I have no idea.

"I don't remember making a joke." And it sure as hell isn't funny being interrupted when trying to make my sweet boy's first morning waking up in his new home as special as it can be.

"Silas! This isn't funny! Why the fuck does Luna Adrian have an entire fucking library? And why didn't you tell me?" Im not sure he even breathes in between his sentences with the way he rushes, the background filled with groans, laughter, and the busy sounds of packing

"I told you that you'd need a couple of guys." I know I sound short with him but I don't have enough patience to try and hold Liam's hand when there are other much more pressing matters at hand... Like the feel of Adrian's lips as he starts to timidly nip at and kiss on the shallow mark he had given me last night before we... Before I had gotten carried away.

"I did bring a couple of guys! But if I had known we'd be transporting an entire fucking library I would have brought a couple more!"

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