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"I can have both, Daddy?" My baby is too cute as he nuzzles into my chest with a smile in his face, his hands balling up the back of my shirt as he clings to me.

"Both?", Absolutely he can have both, but it's unlike him to ask for more than one treat at a time when and if he asks for them at all. It's surprising... But so fucking endearing as he scent marks me by rubbing his pretty little face all over my chest, the blush of his cheeks turning his complexion to roses and cream as he clings.

Again I have to remind myself that we're in public, and even though in his current state my angel doesn't mind the PDA at the moment, but too much of it and he'll get self-conscious again. Not like we aren't already getting stared at, my presence around town more than once in the last month garnering just as much attention as to how beautiful my baby is.  Even if I were to keep my hands to myself, a feat I don't think is even possible, my pretty baby would get stares all on his own. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to truly convey just how stunning he is to him... But I know I'll spend the rest of our lives trying.

"Yarn is part of baby groceries, Daddy..." He all but whimpers the words into my chest, his arms around my waist attempting to pull the two of us as close as together as humanly possible, before lifting those beautiful blue eyes up and smiling at me, "And the book is because I'm a good boy."


I can't stop the smile that works it's way to my lips when Daddy grunts a swear at me, his hand finding my bottom again and groping me in a way that has me pushing back against his hand just a tiny bit, "You are a good boy, Princess... A very good boy...We can most definitely get you both, Beautiful... But how is yarn part of baby groceries?"

Hearing him growl at me with such wanting so clear in his voice turns me to absolute much... My cheeks are so red I can practically feel the heat radiating from my face bouncing off Daddy's chest and bouncing back to me as he starts to guide us in the direction of the craft section, the books kept up front near check out.

"Baby blankets, Daddy... And I can make little tiny clothes and hats and... And baby booties!" In my hazy state, it's so easy to let the thought of being able to start making things for our future child stirs the butterflies that live in my belly into a chaotic state with the sheer happiness that consumes me. I'd be excited over it any time... But at the moment everything just seems so much cuter, pretty patterns including ruffles, chevron, and the cutest little crocheted bows... At the moment though it's the equivalent of letting a hyper child roll through a pile of glitter, squeals of delight included.


My pretty Princess is so excited over the thought of baby items that it has me changing our direction, a shortcut through the women's clothing section leading us back directly to the baby section.

"Daddy?" The word drips from Addy's lips like honey as he finally looks up and notices what section we're in, his arms tightening around my waist.

"...Do you want to?" I pause our encroachment into the section filled with soft brightly-colored baby clothes and binkies.

"Really?" The word is a hoarse whisper that has him pulling away from me just enough to let his eyes climb halfway up my face filled with hope.

"Pick something out, Sweet Pea." My beautiful mate practically vibrates himself out from under my arm, dancing away from me his expression so happy that you would have never guessed that earlier today he'd been crying. His inner monologue is there much as he combs through the section pulling me after him, his smile a tether that keeps me only a single pace behind him, smiling as he coos and croons at each little outfit, his hands touching each one with a fondness that warms my heart.

My baby eventually works his way towards the outer edges of the section, and soon I notice that the baby clothes don't have his full attention, his eyes darting across the walkway towards the woman's underwear set up where it's partially hidden behind the dressing rooms.


I do my best not to stare across the walkway at the display table filled with soft-looking pretty panties... But I can't seem to keep my eyes off of them as I stand in front of a similar table filled to the brim with graphic printed onesies and the teeny tiny baby shorts meant to match them, the one in my hand covered in cute little motorcycles.

It's so hard to keep my eyes from straying upwards to steal glimpses of the panties... They look so much softer than even my comfy day undies and the colors of them are so much prettier...  Some lace, another cotton... Some with designs and others with tiny bows...

Normally I don't let myself even entertain the idea of actually getting a pair... I don't let myself anywhere near the section lest someone else notice my interest and call me out on it... Boys are not supposed to wear panties... Especially not that cute pink pair with ruffles and a bow on the back.

I'm not sure how long my eyes actually linger on the taunting sight not so far from reach but soon a throat clears and brings me back to reality, my face burning as I snatch up the pair of shorts that match the motorcycle onesie and turn, holding it up for Daddy to see without meeting his eyes, "This one please, Daddy."

He chuckles when he sees the pattern I've chosen, tugging the matching set out of my hands and checking that they're the same size before adding them to our basket before reaching out and snagging me by the wrist and pulling me back to my happy place cradled against his chest... And the moment my face is out of view my eyes can't help but dart back up and drink in the view of the coveted panty table, bracing myself to leave it behind once again fully ready to move on to books and yarn and things I can actually have.

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