Thirty Five (18+)

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Kissing my way up Adrian's tender thigh is an experience I'll never forget... The first few tastes of his elegant flesh...his trembling a dance as his limbs jerk against my hold in his nervousness...trying to yank away from me and getting nowhere... Shaking himself to pieces as my lips part just enough to let my tongue taste the soft skin... Nibbling the delectable flesh until he squeals for me and tries to push my head away. I pull back and smile at him, greeted with an overwhelmed flush and quivering bottom lip. The moment my eyes land on his beautiful face he stops fussing, forcing himself to calm down under my loving gaze. It's intoxicating to watch as the calm overtakes him... He knows he can trust me. He knows his Daddy will always take care of his dreamscape of a body and gorgeous mind.

"I'm sorry... I'm just-I'm just nervous...I'll be good..." My sweet boy sinks back down onto the bed from where he had dared to sit up, carefully laying himself flat, his thighs trembling with the effort it takes to keep himself still for me. He will be good... Because he is good... So well behaved... So sweet... So perfect for me in all the right ways... Diving into him is throwing myself off a cliff into a pool full of bliss that I am more than happy to drown in.

"There's no need to be nervous, Baby..." My voice is almost too low to register as I nip his inner thigh, absolutely entranced by every single inch of him...of the way the smell of his arousal seeps from his very pores... concentrated down here around his groin.

My gods the way his thighs flex around me as I edge my way closer to his now semi-erected member... Such a needy boy... I knew that though... His body language had been broadcasting it to me all damn day... And it is always the quiet ones...

When the strangled moan that escapes him as I let my lips close around his tip? My own personal heaven resides in the sound... The sound of causing him undeniable pleasure as I take my fill of his luscious body nice and slow...

I don't linger on his still overly sensitive flesh moving south and watching as my sweet boy arches his back off the bed, crying out in surprise when my tongue finds his rosebud...


I can't keep in the noises that spill one right after the other as his mouth devours me, all teeth and tongue as he laps and nibbles away at my hole making me twist against the sheets in an effort to find a break in the waves of pleasure crashing over me... I'm still too sensitive for this... My poor shaft struggles to engorge itself again as he goes to town. I hadn't expected any more play so soon after just... After what we just finished... Its all almost too much to bear after having so recently climaxed but my mate doesn't seem to care. With the insatiable grunts and groans vibrating between my cheeks I'd say he's enjoying this almost as much as I am... As if tasting me is a primal pleasure he had been waiting his whole life to experience.

My beautiful mate pulls back only for a moment when my hands find his hair, only passing me a heated look before diving back between my cheeks, the delicious new sensation tugging at my very core as he laps at the sensitive ring of muscle buried there.


I could tell before the tantalizing taste of his delectable entrance ever graced my tongue that he would taste just as sweetly as he seems... That he'd be absolutely delicious....that he'd need me to be willing and able to go round after round to satisfy him thoroughly... Just having my knowledge confirmed makes me even more enthralled in him... In his mind... His body. His everything.

How strange is it? That right now, as I eat him like there is no tomorrow watching him writhe while his moans spill into the air like sappy love notes written just for me... I still cannot believe that I'm so lucky... So lucky to have found him... To have him accept me... Submit to me... My sweet boy...

My Adrian...

I pay no heed to the hands pulling my braid into disarray as I enjoy myself buried here, exhilarated to smother myself in between the firm globes of his ass as he tries to fight the pleasure caused by each swipe and intrusion of my tongue. Its all to easy to lose myself in him... In his smell... In his physical love language...

He'll never be rid of me after this... I need him more than oxygen... More than anything else this world could possibly offer me.

If I could keep us here forever I would, but as the tugs to my hair become harder and his moans become more panicked while making less sense I know I need to give into him...


Silas's mouth abandons me, giving me a break from the unrelenting sensation of needing more of him inside me than just his tongue... It hadn't taken me very long to figure out that him taking a taste of me in such an intimate area is just as much for his pleasure as it is mine... The way he speared me on his tongue with such enthusiasm being one of the first ques.

I don't have much time to calm myself before my shaft is pulled into a warm wet mouth making me shout as he starts to swallow me...

It's too much...


I can't...

I don't recognize myself as my hips strain against his hold... My mouth begging and pleading for him to stop...and also to not stop... My body spasming as I buck up and down as well as I can into his soft lips as he attempts to suck my very soul through my slit.


"...Daddy!... Daddy, Please!!", My sweet boy screams as I suck on his sweet flesh... Swirling my tongue over his overly stimulated head like there's no tomorrow before sliding the wet hot digit down the bottom of his shaft making him grind against my face with a fierceness not yet seen in him, " Too good! Daddy, it feels too... I-It feels...Daddy!"

My nails bite into his hips and it's all it takes to throw him over the edge while he screams for me while his hands threaten to pull my hair out with how hard he pulls to try and pop me off his succulent cock as the hot spray of his release fills my mouth.

I swallow every drop like it's liquid gold, not easing my mouth off of his pretty flesh until he's gone completely soft against my tongue, a single kiss pressed to his tip before I pull away from him with a smile only to find my angel's eyes staring right into mine, if only for a moment, before they flutter closed and he melts into himself.

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