Forty One

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My angel feeds me a bite... And then another... And another, each one with a sweet giggle, his blush growing brighter with each pass of his fork. The most adorable feelings start to roll through our bond... A strange form of excitement popping like bubbles inside of his chest each time he brings the fork to my mouth, his eyes sneaking up my body every time he thinks I'm not paying attention, scanning what he's seemed to deem the safe zones of my face as if to make sure what he's doing isn't wrong.

The way my beautiful mate experiences his feelings leaves me breathless as I catch a glimpse of intense happiness bloom into existence over my acceptance of another bite of the eggs he should be eating... The odd thrill that shoots through him when I smile...

He gives no resistance when I tug the fork out of his delicate fingers, spearing a juicy segment of cantaloupe and bring it to his mouth before watching it disappear behind his tempting lips...


Silas holds me by the chin, tilting my head up until he can kiss me just a bit deeper than before, taking a taste of the melon he had only just slipped into my mouth before pulling away. He lingers for a moment, his eyes focusing on my lips for a moment before releasing me and refocusing on the plate he had been nice enough to make for me, "This is supposed to be for you, Sweetness."

"But I want to feed you... I... I want you to be happy with me..." The words slip out after I manage to swallow my bite without choking on it, distracted by the way the flavor of the sweet melon mixes with the bold flavor of Silas on my lips before what I've managed to actually say out loud dawns on me. I want to do a lot of things... But that doesn't mean I should embarrass myself by saying them out loud.

If it was possible to die from blushing too hard Silas would be picking out my coffin later this afternoon. Being coddled and loved on so intensely all night has apparently turned my brain to mush, melting my social appropriateness filters right along with it... But instead of Silas laughing at my odd desire a warm palm is brought up to cup my cheek, his thumb stroking underneath my eye so tenderly before disappearing to pull the plate from my lap and shove it shakily back onto the nightstand. A heavy palm strokes its way down my arm from my shoulder, slipping to my waist before snapping me ever so carefully into my mate's broad lap, the source of my current back pain starting to wake up underneath me - the only thing preventing his member from slipping into me the sweatpants he must have put on this morning when he got up.

Careful hands arrange me until I'm straddling him, tilted forward to melt against his bare chest, my hands clinging to his shoulders while he finds my still warm lower back, hands massaging their way down to cup my bottom with a tight squeeze, a hoarse, "Just for a minute..." Sighed into my shoulder as he buried his face and starts planting kisses all over my skin.


Dear Sweet Lords the way he blushes...

Over and over again my sweet boy has proven that his submissiveness is more than just an automatic response to those stronger than him... He enjoys it. Over and over again he's shown me that it's his happy place... Its where he needs to be to feel calm... But every time his words line up with what I already know it makes me want to repeat every single part of our marking last night if only to lovingly own his body in the way that makes him fly all over again... To send him so far into his headspace he'll never find his way back out, forcing him to stay content and happy trapped on my knot and in my arms until the world itself stops spinning.

...And so pliable... Not a single objection to my need to have my hands full of him... To have him completely pressed into me in order to satiate my need to hold him... To try and resist the urge to make love to him right now at this moment, reminding myself over and over that he's sore... That he needs time before we are intimate again... No matter how much his sweet words tease me.

How could my sweet boy possibly think that he could do something to make me not happy with him? He's so tender with his words... So soft with his actions...


I get no warning that he's going to do it...No hints... Just a squeeze of my bottom while he gives an honest attempt of nuzzling me to death with his face rubbing sweet kisses to my soft spot before he pauses his assault to mark me again. He chooses his spot with no rhyme or reason, his teeth digging savagely into my flesh and making me scream...

The first mark last night had been enough to cement our mating bond...every bite since then a clear mark of ownership... A delicious brand inflicted out of love and dominance...

Without any buildup to the moment the release that shoots down my spine is borderline painful, my vision going white while I'm forced to cling to him as he bears down harder... Marking me deeper than even last night, growling at me until I go limp in his arms.

I'm not sure how long we sit this way, his teeth pulling out of my shoulder only to find a new spot and digging in again... And again, expressing himself so physically instead of trying to use his words... Showing me that the words that had slipped from my mouth we're nothing to be ashamed of... That my honesty with him is not to be ashamed of.

When he does eventually release my shoulder pressing sweet kisses to the new wounds, licking away the smears of blood that had no doubt started to wipe themselves all over my skin... His hands leave my bottom, rubbing their way up my body with sweet caresses and quiet coos whispered into my ear about being a good boy... A good boy who does make Daddy happy... The good boy that Daddy loves while I plaster myself to his hard chest... Where I belong.

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