Sixty Eight

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It takes the love of my life 38 pages and a promise not to read on without him to finally fall asleep, his weight settled so beautifully on top of me and so incredibly hard to shift down to the bed. My clingy little bean had to be persuaded to let go of me with all sorts of soft touches and croons to finally release his needy hold around my neck. The need to act on his instinct to cling to me so beautifully prevalent that I'm sure the smile plastered on my face will never leave me so long as this body still draws breath. Our wolves driving us to be as close as physically and mentally possible as we can be without consuming each other is almost overwhelming after being alone for so long, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

It's so hard to keep my thoughts off of him now, even though I know he's safely tucked away in out bed napping off the natural high of our lovemaking, the perfect picture of bliss. He needs to rest, and I would love to stay in there and cuddle him, but I know I can't be able to keep my hands off of him, especially with how beautifully he reacted to his new mark...

Just thinking about it makes my mouth run dry with how badly I want to do it again, and it does nothing to help me focus on the screen in front of my face.

Unable to focus on Adrian's scent swirling around me in the house I had taken out what was needed for dinner, the meat set to thaw in a bowl of water in the sink, and then let myself out onto the screened-in back porch, the sliding glass door that connects it to the far wall of the living room left cracked open so I can listen for Adrian if he needs me, the other door leading out onto the grass firmly locked to prevent Quinn or anyone else from trying to be sneaky again. If they wanted to see my sweet boy they would only be coming through the front door from now on and not trying to sneak in the back like they have something to hide, even if it is just some flowers for the keeper of my heart.

I had brought my laptop out here along with a stiff drink to help take the edge off the mind-numbing chore of clicking through emails when I would much rather be using my fingers for something else, the combination of it with the fresh air doing wonders to clear my mind if only just enough fo enjoy the calm that has settled over my beast over once again claiming my beautiful boy.

I sip the whiskey slowly, nursing it carefully. Right now is only meant for enjoying the taste without looking for impairment. Just a way to try and unwind the nerves that bunch up every time I step away from my Angel... And maybe also to celebrate getting him and all of his belongings home safe where he belongs.






At first, waking up in our bed without Silas wrapped around me like a glove, his mouth latched onto one of the many sensitive spots he seems to locate so easily scares me... I have a true moment of panic as my arms reach out and find nothing but the soft cool cotton of the bedsheets... But then I feel it...

His body may have left me in here to rest, but his mind is still on me, his thoughts unguarded as I shimmy my way off the bed, scooping up the t-shirt that Silas had tucked me into earlier to hide my excitement and slipping it over my head, foregoing underwear simply because I don't know what box they're in at the moment, my comfy day underwear stiffened with the precum and traces of slick Silas had stirred in me all throughout the day.

That... And I'm distracted by the fact that for the first time I'm able to really observe my mate's thoughts now that he's calm and not focused solely on smothering me in his loving dominance and smile when I realize that most of them are about me.

I shouldn't be surprised with how affectionate and protective he is, but for some reason, I don't expect his inner monologue to be filled with thoughts of my softness and how much he likes playing with my hair... It's so different than what I expected... For someone as big and strong as he is to be so enraptured with someone like me... That he really is so happy that I'm home... That I'm his to keep forever just like he's mine...

I would have thought he would be thinking about all the different naughty things we could do together, or even just getting me back on that death trap of a bike again because I know he enjoyed torturing me on the ride home entirely too much. The proof had been in the way he had had to hold back his chuckles while comforting me after the trauma as if it hadn't been the scariest thing I've ever done other.... But no...

My sweet mate only has thoughts of my happiness and our future together on his mind.

I try not to disturb him... Careful not to let him realize that I'm silently observing at the back of his mind while I wind my way through the house looking for him, smiling when I find him staring off into space on the back porch, his laptop screen bouncing the brand logo back and forth across the screen while he presses a short glass tumbler against his serene smile, leaning back in his chair away from the patio table...


I jump when two pale slender arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, two soft hands sliding down my chest while my sweet boy hugs me from behind, a quick kiss being pressed to the top of my hair before he nuzzles into my neck with a smile, "Hey, Daddy..." The unexpected affection makes my heart do flips until the next words tumble out of my sweet boy's lips, "I never want to do that again, ok?"

My stomach drops into my ankles as I replay the events of the day, "Getting marked on your thigh?" I had thought maybe it was too much after it happened... Just how overwhelmed he had gotten afterwords, so strung out on the pleasure that he didn't even want to let it heal before touching it, "I wont-"

"Shhh..." I'm silenced by a tender hand cupping my cheek and guiding my face over, the softest of kisses steals my breath away, "I meant waking up without you."

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