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"So-So he's not pregnant?" The call we had been waiting for had come sooner than expected and had happened right before we had finished our dinner, my last bite of the chocolate cake that had a moment ago tasted so delicious feeling more and more like a lump of clay as it sits in my cheek, all chewing stopped so I could hear the Doctor better before Silas had thought to switch over to speakerphone. Dr.Paxton had rushed my results and had decided to call us before heading home for the day so we wouldn't have to suffer in silence any longer than we needed too. The way Silas repeats what Dr.Paxton has already confirmed 3 separate times leads me to believe that maybe he really thought that the second test we had been getting ready to take would really come back different than the first one... He thought it would come back positive...

"Correct, Alpha Silas... The pregnancy test came back negative, but the hormone panel we did came back with some very interesting results. If it's a baby you two want you won't have to wait for very long." Dr.Paxton says the words with a chuckle that makes me feel even more confused than I was a second ago... A second ago I only wanted Daddy to hang up on him so we could cuddle away the sore spot currently threatening to engulf my heart over how badly I want to extend our little family... I just want a little pup of our own to snuggle and keep safe... I just want us to be the ones to get it right and be happy... 

"W-What does that mean?" I spit my bite into one of the napkins that are fanned out around us before I ask my question, Silas staring down at his phone with a look on his face that makes me feel about three inches tall... He's so disappointed...


"I'd say that you should be going into heat any day now. I'm surprised you're not actually in heat right now."  These are the words that shake me out of the sad fog I had fallen into... When we answered the phone we had both been so excited... And then I had to literally watch the tears start to pool in my sweet Baby's eyes when the doctor delivered the news that we wouldn't be having a delivery just yet... My beautiful mate has so much love to give that it's damn near pouring out of his chest every time he breathes and I'm not sure how to fix it... I'm not sure how to make the pain stop so he can breathe again... Maybe it was a mistake to keep us so separated from the rest of the pack... Just because I don't feel the need to be on top of everyone as their Alpha doesn't necessarily mean that my Sweetheart isn't being pulled on to be a more attentive Luna... Maybe he'd feel a bit better if we go into town more often so he can interact a bit more... Maybe getting the chance to stretch his legs away from home in order to fawn over his new pack would give him the opportunity to express some of the tender care that leaks from his every pore...

 His pretty bottom lip still trembling even now as we both try and make sense of the last thing to echoed its way across the speaker of my phone, his eyes meeting mine without hesitation, his baby blues shaking with the uncertainty of our mutual understanding, "N-No... Dr.Paxton... My-My next heat isn't for another three and a half weeks..."

"Well, that's not what the results say, Luna Adrian. I suspect the minor changes you've noticed in your body is nature's way of preparing you to conceive. It's not uncommon for heat patterns to change when you first find your mate... Especially if you two are always as vigorous as you were when you came to see me. I'd say that if you two want a baby... from what your charts indicate you should get pregnant without any issue." The mention of the unfortunate accident makes me need to avert my eyes for a moment before I feel my Princess's hand find mine and give me a squeeze to bring me back to the moment. 


"S-So... So like when? Like really a couple of days? Not weeks? My heat will be here in a couple of days? That's so soon..." It's almost hard to even let myself believe that what he's saying is true... But I suppose it makes sense... All of the warning signs that I normally watch for to let me know if my heat might be coming early hadn't been noticed because Silas has done such a great job doting on me that the little discomforts that normally would be plaguing me had been steadily cuddled away...

The strongest symptom... Horniness... had been straight out satisfied until our bad afternoon yesterday and I had assumed that the thirstiness I felt for my man had just been because of the sudden disruption in our routine... I can't exactly crave sex and chocolate if it's readily provided by Daddy at every turn...

"Your heat could pop up in fifteen minutes or the next couple of days... Unfortunately, the tests don't tell me exactly when." It's like these are the magic words, and suddenly I find myself wrapped up in Daddy's arms, his comfort soothing the sudden anxiety over not being ready starting to creep up in my throat...

"B-But what if... But what if my butthole isn't healed yet?" He had very specifically told us that it wouldn't be wise for us to go at it again until my bottom had completely healed so that the tear doesn't get worse. 

"Keep an eye on yourself. If you feel it coming on before you've healed it's just as simple as keeping the two of you separate to prevent Alpha Silas from going into rut." The arms holding me so close flex around me in protest as he growls at the thought of someone trying to keep him from me... Not that I myself feel thrilled over the idea, even if it is to save my bottom from being in any more pain than it's already in...

And yet as Daddy handles thanking Dr.Paxton and ending the surprising phone call all I can think about is how desperately clingy I feel knowing that soon... regardless of whether or not my bottom is completely healed... 

Daddy's going to get me pregnant...

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